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proper last won the day on March 14 2021

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  1. sorry, i don't admire staff asab
  2. I don't agree at all. It's easy to say that moderators/staff in general should be on at least once a day for a little while if you're younger, which in this case you are. The reality is that people can't always get on every day or even every other day, and that is fine. Expecting people to get on once a day is too demanding as a gmod server and will only serve to push those people out of their staffing positions. They are also far more likely to get burnt out if they do play that frequently, which will inevitably end up in resignations or time off from the server - something that I'm sure someone like you wouldn't appreciate. You need to have patience with other people and realize that just because they're not always going to be able to get on right when you need them, doesn't mean they don't care. They do what they can when they can and within reason. That means that, even if they ARE otherwise available to get on, that doesn't mean they should be expected or forced to do so. This also ties into my next point, which is this isn't a job. Nobody is getting paid for this, which for some people, means it automatically takes a back seat to their education and employment irl. You really should put that into perspective when you say the things you do and give criticism how you do. Finally, you should probably stop writing a paragraph response to every -1 or -/+. I get you want to clarify stuff to people who may have misunderstood, but at this point in the application, it's simply coming off as "Unclear can't take criticism or feedback very well". You're young, and as such you have a bit of learning to do for this role. If you can improve on everything people are saying to you in this application instead of refuting and writing it off, you'll do far better in the long run.
  3. I've never played in-game with you since I don't play on the server, but I was pleasantly surprised to open this thread and see how much effort you crammed into this application. Also, your display name is literally hilarious with your picture. I'm comfortable with +1ing for your effort and the small interactions I've seen from you in Discord. Also Scottish people are superior in every way
  4. Me and Flippy, got t-mod together back in the day. miss that guy
  5. i’ve never had to do what you do to the extent you’re doing it so i won’t pretend i know what you’re going through, but i know how you feel and i’ve been in a position where money is all that mattered & i had to drop everything to pay the bills. it’s hard on you. i hope you reach the place where you aren’t constantly pushing yourself too hard soon. people who talk shit on you for not being here are coming from a place of ignorance and privilege. best of luck dude
  6. All my old Ret memories are on an old laptop in another state, otherwise I just have stupid text screenshots.
  7. tbf kanta is a toxic asshole too. i know nothing about this specific situation so i'm not commenting on that, but it doesn't shock me that kanta may have also been stirring the shit pot.
  8. wouldn't say i miss it, but they were simpler times. i miss the simplicity.
  9. I'd probably actually hop on the server if it had a higher player count tbh, I feel like a big part of the appeal of the DarkRP gamemode is other players. You can have fun addons and things to do but it gets boring if there's nobody else around.
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