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Everything posted by RevoltPlays

  1. Because we want to see good and consistent activity before accepting you. And when you have playtime you are more likely to make friends and get community support which is necessary if you want to be accepted. -1 for now based on playtime and low effort answers
  2. +1 this application is much improved in comparison to the previous one and you have good playtime I think you should get another shot
  3. +1 pretty good and in depth application (one error) the second part of this is not answered Likeable person Experience I think you'd be a good addition to the team and should get a shot. that one question you forgot isn't a huge deal just fix it up and I think the app will be pretty much perfect
  4. I like the idea of a 3rd place winner. Maybe the third place will be the third person up there. I'm worried adding a third sniper might make it too difficult
  5. The second SnipersVHunters event has now concluded. Those that participated what did you think? How would you improve it? I think it was much better this time than last. Any and all feedback is appreciated!
  6. Yes! I plan on it I've just been trying to decide how to make it more enjoyable. Hopefully this week or next week we'll have the second one!
  7. +1 - Very well written application - Good playtime - Experience - NO WARNINGS - LISTENS TO NASCAR ALOE +1111
  8. Agreed +1 I think you should get a shot at t-mod
  9. +1 I agree with everyone else. It seems you're always just having a good time on the server and not causing issues
  10. After the changes you've made to the app I think you deserve a shot. I've never had any issues with you Good luck
  11. -1 for now. I've never had issues with you but I can't be confident you can enforce the rules properly if you don't answer questions right on the application. This one is incorrect Left this one unanswered With this one you are mostly right, but you don't need to check with higher ups on ban times there's a staff handbook for that, and it's available to everyone, even non-staff. I'd recommend giving that a read through, there's a link at the top of the forums https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WRbK0749uxVUYMzUbYeOdOcKNGcrgl9M2HNSgnQVRlc here's a direct link for convenience Same thing as the previous This one can be correct but also a lot of times higher ups aren't available to help out immediately. If you have read through the rules many times and the staff handbook you'll be confident in your decisions and many times you'll be correct. The best course of action to take if a player is upset at your decision is to have them make a staff report if they feel you handled it incorrectly. I'm not giving you the answers because I'd like to see you try and find them for yourself and edit your post. I'd like to see you have a shot at t-mod, you seem to be a good member of the community, Good luck!
  12. The first Snipers VS Hunters event has now concluded. If you participated I would like your thoughts on how it can be improved. Easier parkour? More snipers? Less Snipers? More HP? More Cover? Longer course? Any feedback is much appreciated Remember the goal of this event is not to be incredibly hard, but also not to be incredibly easy. So balanced suggestions would be most appreciated. I think it's obvious the parkour was much too hard for most players this time around
  13. This one big underrated 😞 only 7k views breakdown go crazy at 4:25
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