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  1. +/- Leaning +1 Great app, I have seen you a couple times in game I think you would be a good addition to the staff team
  2. AetherNetwork.gg Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations): MiSli Age: 17 Steam ID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:547625507 Discord Tag:MiSli#7377 Total Playtime (Type !time in-game): 6D 1H 29M Timezone: EST Steam Profile (a link): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199055516742/ Times you're most active (The rough times you are able to be most active): 2PM-6AM DarkRP General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: I could contribute to the Aether community by informing new players on rules, help with bases, starting off tips, etc. I could also contribute to helping out with sits, Stopping players from breaking any rules, etc. I can also contribute by being active as much as possible in the Aether community and giving off a positive influence, I'm always open to giving some suggestions to help out the server. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible? (Yes/No): Yes Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to? (Yes/No): Yes Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week? (Yes/No): Yes DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: 10 Minutes What initiates a raid?: Adverting a raid with /Advert (Raid), and assisting a raid with /Advert (Assist) If the owner of the base is standing outside as you're about to raid, can you kill them?: Yes if they are close enough to their base List 3 default Laws of The Land: No killing anybody unless it is in self defense, No illegals, No shooting in public How many bases can you own per party?: You can only have 1 base per party at max A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: I tell them if they continue to not listen I will mute or gag them and if they continue to not co-operate I will warn them on what they have done wrong You see another staff member abusing their power (Give an example of a staff abusing and how you would handle it/who you would contact): An example of a staff member abusing power would be nocliping through bases etc. I would contact Jouaram A player is excessively RDMing/RDAing and breaking NLR (What is RDM/RDA and NLR? How do you determine if a player is breaking any of these?): RDM is Random DeathMatch when a player is killing or injuring another player for no reason, RDA is Random Arrest when a player is Randomly Arresting players for no reason or out of RP, NLR is New Life Rule when you get killed you can not go back to where you died for 3 minutes. you would determine if a player was breaking RDM if they Started hitting people randomly or starts killing people. You can determine if a player is breaking RDA if they start arresting people if they are not breaking any laws of the land. You could determine if someone is breaking NLR if they were to get killed by a hitman or died in their base from an adverted raid and went back before the 3 minutes is up.
  3. +1 helped me with a lot of things is a chill person, see him online every day.
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