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| Color™ |

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| Color™ | last won the day on September 6 2020

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About | Color™ |

  • Birthday January 28

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  1. CustomRP literally has an average of zero players and you knew this would be the case. I'm offering my items because again, the server has average zero players. I do not have premium on DarkRP. I'm calling it a "split" server due to the fact that they're both a DarkRP server. You earn money to buy more items to become more powerful and stacked, that's literally what DarkRP is. You may not have literally reset the server but making two servers when one just started? The point is tons of work and money was spent on that server by a huge majority of the community. I'm not talking for every single person that plays Aether, I might just be talking for myself here, but personally, I just don't like the decision.
  2. Look. I've really been wanting to get back into Aether and come back to its community, but I no longer want to. After rejoining Aether yesterday with a new mindset, ready to start grinding again and getting back into the server, I came upon realization that the servers were split and progress was basically reset in every way, shape, and form. Why? I simply do not see a valid reason to do this except for making some extra bank. People spent hundreds of dollars and hundreds of hours into this specific server to build up reputation and power, for it all to be literally deleted, I fall victim to that as well. I can't imagine the people who were completely rich and basically beat the server. I respect the team behind Aether, but this just doesn't seem right. This action was done knowing people would have to restart completely and work their way up again. Just realize people spent hundereds of dollars, and you reset the server not even 6 months after its release. I love you Jouaram, I have so much to thank you for, but again. This just isn't the right thing to do. Sorry man. I'll just give away all my shit on CustomRP if anyone cares.
  3. shut the fuck up. quit being an asshat. bring -rep back for kids like this. fuck you syn
  4. Hustus was an imposter. One imposter remains.
  5. guys I swear he vented in electrical
  6. While I haven't seen you too much and have not had a chance to interact with you, I've heard you were one hell of a guy! It's been nice having you on the server and I wish for the best for your future. Appreciate the giveaway! Good Luck! Discord: Color#5331
  7. +1 You seem to have a good grasp on rules, proper intention to RP, and overall seem like a chill person. Your application is great, and I overall believe you are fit for staff. Good Luck!
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