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Lemon last won the day on January 20 2021

Lemon had the most liked content!


About Lemon

  • Birthday 02/09/2005

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  1. I will officially be done with my sophomore year of high school on May 27th, which means one thing, I'll actually have time to play on the server and not be tied up in other things anymore. I can finally have time to get back into Garry's Mod. So, hi, I'm Lemon. Some of you know me, I've been in and out of Aether for months. But now with school ending I will have time to play a bit and get involved in the community, with this my next school year will be less stressful than this year, which means I'll be able to stick around for longer than ever. Anyways, here is a self portrait I took of myself. Love you all and hope to talk to you all very soon! (I am cosplaying John Lennon)
  2. I think if you want to get staff you should be able to take a bit of criticism without having to retort.
  3. Today I turned 16, now wish me a happy birthday and give me rep! >:)
  4. Another soldier has fallen to his horrific gambling addiction, hey it gets the best of us sometimes. Hope that you have a good time off of Aether bud.
  5. +1 +'s + Pretty Epic App + Extremely Friendly -'s - He married me, and then divorced me, took our child, took all my shit, and moved to Ecuador to live a new life under the name Dr.Simprat
  6. +1 You've written a well thought out application with thought put into a lot of the longer answer questions, very nice. From my experiences with you on the server you seem like a nice fellow who simply wants to help out. You've got a good grasp on the rules. Also, Does this minor mistake completely devalue the well thought out app that he created? I see no reason why him overlooking a format on the forums would translate into not being able to properly assist players in-game, and we all make simple mistakes like this all the time. This seems like a petty reason to completely get rid of all hope of him being a good staff member. Anyways, Good luck on your application!
  7. Heres the list of everything I got - Baby Yoda Chia Pet. - Baby Yoda Lego Buildable Figure. - Lego 501st Legion Clone Troopers Set. - Exclusive Star Wars Collectible Mugs. - Iphone 12 (Upgraded from my Iphone 8 ). - Mario and Luigi Pez Dispenser (Yes I'm just that cool). - A fuck ton of money. - A fuck ton of candy.
  8. +1 Ever since I started playing again recently, you're probably one of the most friendly people I've met on the server. It seems that you have a good understanding of the rules. Also It's his fucking birthday, are you really gonna deny a man on his birthday? I think you deserve a fair shot at becoming a staff member.
  9. You forgot the third type of people on GMOD, dirty weebs.
  10. I know this was 5 months ago, but uh, here's my face on a thread where I ask people to show their face. I know, I'm just a chad.
  11. Yesterday, I hopped on the server, it was pretty cool I made a fuck ton of money by being a hobo with a leaderboard sign. People will give you so much money with a simple sign that engraves their name in it. But I guess I'll hop on more, my school is probably closing down after Thanksgiving. So it should be pretty cool, I think I'll be able to play a lot more and get myself involved in this fast growing community. I'm actually really surprised to see the player count go to what it has been, It's really cool. So anyways, I guess I'm sort of back in a way, but no promises that I'll stay for an extended amount of time. - Your Friendly Citrus / Ghost / Samurai / Idiot Lemon Phantasm XVI etc. etc..
  12. Not for long. Soon I shall be on top, prepare to get swindled
  13. +1 You're pretty cool. I remember you on ret obviously (didn't know you were gibs tho) I know you can be toxic, but I haven't seen that on this server.
  14. Yooo nice set up! Heres mine!
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