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  1. Honestly I don't know what to say. I started at the top and now im where I am now. I had a grappling hook, I had a lot of money, and now I have no money nor a grappling hook. Grinding my money back will take what feels like years and im just too busy to do much stuff now. There's not much I can do in the server and its just gotten boring. Becoming a staff member will put more stress on me than already because I have to pay attention to so much. I had a lot of fun but my time has come. Goodbye, for now.
  2. I wasted all my money in the game and there's no point in grinding it back if i'm just gonna spend it on aether crates and become broke again. I sold my grapple and instantly wasted the money (on aether crates) because I thought I would get lucky. There's no point in playing except for messing around which gets boring. I don't know how long my break from the server will be but hopefully it wont be too long. Goodbye, for now.
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