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Everything posted by TangoDown

  1. Cuz TangoDown is what happens when Bad meets Evil. Against Peaceful, see you in Hell for the sequel.
  2. I'm suppressed I haven't gained like 300 pounds moving to where I'm at. I went to get my car's oil changed in a sort of "all in one" shop (Oil Change/Body Work/Car Wash & Repair) they have a dinner connected to it and I got me a breakfast sandwich (S usage & Egg) was soooooo Good. not to much verity around here but damn these video's make me wanna go out and eat and get Uber Fat.
  3. This is correct except there is no "Attempted RDM" Death does not have to occur for it to be a "Random Death Match" There are situations where Players don't have to necessarily break a "Server Rule" to harass some one. They could go around telling other people to do things to said player. We've had cases where a player was doing just that Going around talking bad about a player and telling them to Kill said player But not directly harass the player. Conclusion Over all your app is very well done with 1 minor formatting issue and The Second quote being some what Inarticulate but over all I think You will do well and would like to see you get a chance. +1
  4. Changed my Negative to a +/- I'm still not 100% sure I could fully support the app but given the past, but the week or so that I've been watching him sense he applied He's been well behaved and seems to legitimately be a positive influence on the server.
  5. Bout time 😃 Welcome to the PHUN zone.
  6. And don't nobody want that
  7. +1 to Trap being quiet for once in his life.
  8. +1 But only if He can be my Mintoree/Beoch 🙂 Just Kidding Def Think He Would be a good addition/re-addition to the team +1
  9. Harro Please. Welcome to The Forums and or Community 🙂
  10. Just make them average? this statement is a big fragmented and confusing to me. I suppose you could go back to watch but there is a NLR timer as well so you are half right you could go back after your arrest is up (assuming The arrest was longer then 3 minutes). Plus there is no rule that states you have to Advert A raid is over. So all those are technicality and you really Shouldn't return mid raid. RDM does not mean a death has to occur there is no "Attempted Random Death Match" witch is quite often miss stated. as far as The punishment it would be treated as any other RDM. First Verbal, then 5 Min Jail, 10 Min Jail and so on. Just because they are being uncooperative doesn't mean you are going to necessarily ban them. You can add to there punishment perhaps for being uncooperative but Its not a instant ban. Again depending on the situation you don't have to go straight to banning would be determined by there previous warnings. Demote them as well Conclusion Your app over all is decent there is however some discrepancy and answers I find a tad confusing You got the play time But I think Your app needs a bit of work. So at this time I'm going to obstain from support of your app but not expressly saying it should be denied. +/-
  11. You have that the other way around. Your the Bitch Jouaram is YOUR Pimp.. Sorry bud. He who owns the server makes the rules?
  12. I_Like_Yo_Cut_G.mp4 I Like Yo Cut G
  13. "What are you gonna do" Arrested! LEL
  14. Incorrect, Until you advert Raid This would be considered RDM. After you call raid if the owner is with in "Interfering distance" You may kill them. I always try and get them to cooperate You are not expected to spend half your day with them trying to convince them but You get a better out come typically if you try and do something to get there attention and have a conversation with them Gag/Mute/Freeze them and calmly explain to them if they don't cooperate they will revive the warn (That normally will get there attention) Conclusion I have had many conversations with Dylxn and have gotten to know him pretty well, To that end I believe your attitude/personality will be conductive to your staffing ability as to your Knowledge of the rules, there are a few minor issues but nothing that can't be hammered out with some training. +1
  15. Not your steam Profile Link, dunno why you made a link to a youtube video (witch is no longer available) Rather vague Where I've never specifically herd any one say you should or shouldn't make a post about it on forums its better to Just take it to a higher up. bringing it up on forums will only embolden people who have nothing better to do then cause trouble and may have no cause to bring up a report on a staff member other then the fact they hate them or where punished by them and wish to be vindictive. If its clear to you the player is massRDM'ing (Going from person to person and killing them for no reason) You ban them for 3 days if its there first warn, often you can just spectate them and see for your self they are just going around shooting random targets. Always good to give them one last chance take them from the play area and explain it to them. You still can warn them but this gives you better results typically i.e. always make sure they fully understand why they are reviving a punishment otherwise they just end up having hard feelings towards you. Conclusion I started to type out how I think your a chill dude and don't really break the rules, but then I check your warns you have 3 warns in the past 3 days and 6 warns in the past month. All very minor warns but still this is not what I would expect from some one applying for staff. I think you need to wait a bit longer and Keep out of trouble for a month or something before You Re-apply +/-
  16. Bad Crispy. Bad Crispy 🤡No Like But yea I'll read your app in a little bit and give you some feed back but I've never seen you be a problem in game nor can I remember ever having a sit called on you so already leaning towards +1
  17. Cuz Kanye West / Ye Netflix Special came out gotta throw some down
  18. this is a bit of a trick question. The correct response would be if they are the "Raiding Party" you cannot return to continue the raid, If you are the base owner "Defending Party" You must wait 3 min to return. So You answered correctly but Left out the half of the equation. Other then this one question witch might be considered nit picking I think you have a pretty solid app. Only issue I see that others will most likely bring up is your lack of involvement on the forums. But I'll go ahead and support Your app as I've never really had any issues with your or seen you cause any negativity on the server. +1
  19. Now that you have fixed those issues mentioned by DreadnaughtV2 You have very good app in my eyes and think you could be of some benefit to the server +1
  20. I will deny Froggy exists til I get my damn Hat.
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