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Can only recall good interactions with you while I have been a part of Aether. I believe you have the potential to be an amazing staff member. Overall, I would have liked to see a bit more in depth answers to the questions. Continue your current activity levels and build your knowledge base, to better your chances as well. +1
I feel you have the potential of a successful staff member. +1
+/-, leaning slightly more to +1 I am in agreement for the most part with other comments, however I have had a few interactions with you, and they are positive. Either it's us screwing around or you attempting to help people to the best of their ability which is great to see. Only reason I am not a full +1 as of now is I want to see you keep this up over the course of your application being up. If it does, I am more than happy to swap my vote over.
+/- Even though none of your rule answers are incorrect (other than we consider Revenge RDM as RDM) I would've liked to see you go into more detail so we could see your understanding in more depth. You have no warns which is great. I'd like to see how you interact with the community more before I'd be willing to consider a +1, I've personally had very little interactions with you, but so far nothing negative which is good. Good luck!
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