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    • because of this -1 because its confusing
    • AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): [ddubb8080] Age: [16] Steam ID: [STEAM_0:1:151315187] Discord Tag: [ddubb8080] Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): [1d 19h 45m.] Time zone: [CDT] Steam Profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198262896103/] Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): [3pm-9pm school days, unpredictable weekends] General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: through my time in this game i have seen the fun and the chaos it can bring, i really would love to learn further in this server and to learn from its community, it would be my starting point for ever server id ever play going forward. all of my time will be spent helping knew players and to helping anyone that needs it, and if i get good enough i can help even some of the other knew mods or admins or just in general staff. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: yes i read the entire staff expectancy overview slides. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: yes. Are you certain you will be able to staff consistently every week whilst holding this position?: every time i get home i'm on my pc or about to get on it so yes. DarkRP Rule Questions Give an example of RDM: randomly killing the mayor Give an example of NLR:   killing someone that just killed you right after they where raiding you. How many entrances does your base need?:1 but max is 6, 3 with face scan and 3 with button. What sign would a player place on their base to avoid being raided whilst having no raidables?: rp, or building if there still building. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: no unless you are still alive and you now have the chance to attempt to kill them. If your party member gets damaged are you allowed to kill the attacker?: yes do to being party linked as if defending them selves. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers: shoving printers in the wall with noclip so no one can hear or see them to get free passive cash.
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