Changing my vote to,
Has showcased that he is extremely levelheaded and is quite knowledgeable on the rules.
My interactions with you has been nothing, but positive throughout prior to the creation of the staff app and deserves a shot at becoming T-Mod.
I Do apologize, previous servers i helped moderate had them seperate, as for the NLR situation I do see where the misunderstanding might be, though when I mentioned wanting to raid, I suppose I didn’t add anything extra to say they adverted. Which I do apologize on that part.
what I was meaning to say is that he was wanting to raid the pd, and in doing so died during the raid.
This is a very detailed staff app! I have had several interactions with you in-game and they have never been negative, you're a nice guy who clearly put time into his application. We'll see how you do as staff (or maybe not). +1