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  1. Today
  2. "AV Madi Raven is now playing Half Life"
  3. He better get his dawg ass away from that microwave.
  4. Yesterday
  5. flower01 flower02 flower03 flower04 flower05 flower06 flower07 flower08 flower09 flower10 flower11 flower12 flower13 flower14 flower15 flower16 flower17 flower18 flower19 flower20 flower21 flower22 flower23 flower24 flower25 flower26 flower27 flower28 flower29 flower30 flower31 flower32 flower33 flower34 flower35 flower36 flower37 flower38 flower39 flower40 flower41 flower42 flower43 flower44 flower45 flower46 flower47 flower48 flower49 flower50 flower51 flower52 and finally, flower53
  6. Some reason 53 guests are on the forums currently never seen this
  7. Nah, if anyone really wants to know I could say, I just don't feel so comfortable saying personal things because not everyone is okay with hearing it's something about someone else not me but I won't have access to get on here as I technically have no phone of my own currently I do but it's very broken and barely can get it to work so needs a fixing
  8. Flowers


    More so a consistent 24 hours across 7 days
  9. Flowers


    The lore is Jouaram helped me build it, it had taken 7 days, 24 hours non stop besides little nap breaks most of it was totally me and then after he banned me to take it all for himself, sad story
  10. Flowers


    It's my base, I have my raidables at the top, inside there Is several layers, stairs and elevators to the top. Several keypad doors, several button doors all the way up, several defenses built up the whole way to the top. Only way in is from the front doors at the bottom, anyone checking it out is welcome but raiders, good luck.
  11. Last week
  12. I dont think so :suspicious:
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