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  3. Are you a team or just 1 person running both?
  4. Just learned what it means, sure ° Strongly believe i've never heard of the term and was quite confused
  5. Bro has 2 accounts to necro post and talk about flower pizza?
  6. Or which I haven't tried yet but maybe squeezing a bit of lemon or lime on top might be good too Also depends if you like lemons or limes
  7. Without even trying I highly suggest don't but an actual suggestion would putting a bit of lime or lemon / both in the pizza sauce, a place does it or did it on accident unsure and surprisingly it works well at least with their pizza so also depends ingredients probably however i think it's good. With cheese or pepperoni on top you probably wouldn't even know lemon or lime is in the pizza sauce, i notice it's a subtle taste for me at least in this case, but tasting the sauce alone, was how I figured it out, as it's less subtle, this one isn't a joke
  8. Skull emoji, laughing emoji, suspicious emoji
  9. Hey that's very awesome, good luck with the rose tattoo if you do get one!
  10. +1 off of roses alone. A very important flower in my family. I wanna get a Rose tattoo one of these days so amazing choice
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