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Posts posted by Danny

  1. Suggestion: make it so whenever you get xp and Level up the rest dosent just void.


    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: Whenever you level up It puts you to 0xp, So if you sell alot of stuff at once and level up you only get Xp till you level up, The Rest is Voided. Is quite annoying For Xp Orbs and Farming Cuz I Only farm for the xp and Lose out on so much.

  2. 5 hours ago, xojiq said:

    i was getting raided by ballsack and got wiped so i waited patiently outside so he decided to kill me and my friend while we were just waiting for him to be done so when he went to kill me and swung his ember blades at me so i splashed him up and killed up so he got mad and started a sit over it. i havent had any warns in idek how long and i think this is a false ban 2 DAYS FOR NLR like cmon ill take a jail or something but its very harsh for how the situation went and the moderator only heard one side of the story.

    You and Ballsack Both Gave me the Same Story Which Was -  You Died During a raid, You Then Came Back to Talk Smack And Ballsack Killed you, You then Came back again to do the same thing and He Killed you again Then Made a Sit.        This is the Literal same thing you and ballsack both told me :l  

  3. 18 hours ago, Trem0r said:

    I received a sit regarding NSFW on a TV from a gun dealer, When I arrived I asked you to remove the Animal porn that was playing on the tv or skip it, when asked you did not reply and instead RDMD the gun dealer (unsure of name, incident too old to check the log)  who was also the initial maker of the sit regarding the NSFW. 

    When I teleported you, you immediately left the game. It sounds like you might have done this to relog and remove the NSFW and did not realize there was a sit taking place but I waited a little over 20 minutes from the initial incident for you to rejoin in the event this was the case make sure to rejoin right away especially in the event there is a sit. 

    In regards to your punishment reasoning, your most previous warn for RDM was a 3 day ban, so this RDM warn would make it a 6 day ban and then the  combination of LTAP which would double the punishment resulted in a 12 day ban, the 2 days were added due to the nature of the NSFW content being displayed and then the LTAP doubling associated with the NSFW.  


    Please, next time if you were reconnecting to remove the NSFW let someone know before you do it or at least rejoin in a reasonable time frame. I am hearing this second hand but it sounds like tango let you know to remove it and you informed him that you were going to just leave to remove it. 


    If what you said about leaving to remove NSFW was true I am fine with a ban lift, it just makes it very hard to judge what happened and know the full story when you leave and don't rejoin.

    As I did say above, im ok with the ban removal and I believe time served could be acceptable for the NSFW.

    I Believe NSFW on the tv's Are perma bans, as Gooses Warn back in the day was the only warning the entire server would get with nsfw shit on tv.

    Idk of the ruling system has changed on that but thats how its been and never got told its changed by @Jouaram

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Canadian said:


    Honestly do to know if people remember me, definitely not any of the new new players. But..........

    I'm go by Canadian, or in-game as Canadian Maple. Was once on the server, got hooked, became staff, due to life had to resign. But I might be back? Garry's mod is like a game I can just keep coming back to and I really don't want to find a new new Gmod Darkrp server so I'm back with Aether.

    You'll probably see me around more often but I'm glad to be back and seeing some old friends here.

    Anyways ill see you all around sooner or later!  


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  5. 1 minute ago, bantex321 said:

    Ok i'll take ur world for it

    i do accidentally forget to let go of my ingame mic, lets me know u clip shit and ur fake asf lmfao.
    Betrayed not sure how ur betrayed for 2 days been back stabbing me but irdc its over and done.

    I tend to record my entire gaming sessions so if something like this happens i can go back to what happened and remind myself of what happened, Not once have i backstabbed you, I gave you stuff, Overpayed for some of your items, Get underpayed by you for my items, But im the bad guy because I Am staffing the server and Dont let you get away With being racist :l 

  6. My Memory On Previous Sits are horrendous And don't remember anything yesterday lmao But I think i Recall you being the guy who was Talking alot of shit outside a guys base, I believe there was a clip as evidence, It Was just outright toxicity, Also Fslur Is something you cannot say on like 90% of servers. But A ban/warn Is Supposed to teach you not to do the the thing you have done So yeah I think this Pretty valid.

  7. You Were Abusing a Xp and money Glitch Which Is why I added NITRP ( Nitrp Is 3d Day ban ) You were Breaking the rules as soon as you Got out of your jail and You said you read them but then went and Blocked off a npc and Abused the money / Xp Glitch Some more, I Believe your ban is warranted.

    Btw He Got up to level 224 In less then 11 hours

    Hann Will Shortly Post A video Of the Stuff you were doing



  8. 2 hours ago, hann said:

    Suggestion: We want more costmetics! New stuff!

    Link To Relevant Addons:

    1. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1981796103&searchtext=hat

    2. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2631377927

    3. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=184937635

    4. https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=107165776

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: WE NEED MORE COSMETICS!!!

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: vvv


    I want wing +1

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