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ThiccYe last won the day on July 11

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  1. +1 Obviously you are capable enough and knowledgeable enough for staffing, but my main concern is that you may not go into this thinking of it as a complete fresh start for staffing on the server. A lot of things have changed, including the standard of staffing, since you were trained years ago. If go through your tmod phase assuming you already know everything, then it’ll be much more likely for you to neglect the critiques that other staff will be giving you. Go into this with the mindset of it being a true fresh start and forget about any previous training you’ve had if you seriously want to commit to being staff again.
  2. I would like to win because it would be the third time I did and I’d love to pass along some of the rewards
  3. +/- I think you’d be beyond capable at staffing, but I still feel like you make far too many edgy/overly sexual jokes towards others. It’s already inappropriate as a player and would be over the line as staff. It only shows others that if you can do it then they can as well, and that leads to them taking it way over the line/breaking rules. If you can calm down on that front and work on being more professional (and change your discord bio) I think there’d be no problems with you being staff
  4. +1 Ive always wanted you to apply, and I know we’ve talked about it a few times so I’m surprised to see this lol. I think you’d do great as staff, and would be a great addition to the team. My only concern for you is that there’s been times where you let your anger get the better of you when interacting with others. I haven’t seen or heard of this in a while, so hopefully it’s no longer an issue, but keep in mind that it would not be acceptable to have those moments as a staff member.
  5. My only issue with you becoming staff would be your attitude towards other players, especially ones you aren’t a fan of, as well as the perception you give when you make jokes that are a bit too edgy. You make a lot of jokes that are borderline NSFW or toxic, and as a player it can be a bit of fun but as staff it would only let mingey players think that it’s okay and they will take it too far. As for your attitude towards other players, I feel as though you can get vindictive towards players you don’t like, and that can lead to being a biased staff member. I think staffing would be very easy for you given your time played on the server, and I think you’d do great as long as you keep in mind what I’ve mentioned as well as making sure you are the only one using your account.
  6. -1 Not enough recent and consistent activity, 2 days isn't enough time for you to know the community or for the community to know you. Take some more time to play on the server and get to know everyone and how things work before shooting for staff
  7. https://aethernetwork.gg/index.php?/forum/12-ban-appeals/
  8. I should win because I’m not a racist
  9. Pimp and Escort would have to go together, but Bodybuilder is only one that doesn’t really have a purpose other than attracting minges
  10. That’s just how life goes, people come and go, and sometimes they don’t come back. This is a community that’s thrived before they came and it’ll thrive after they leave as long as effort is put into keeping it running. Hop on sometimes and meet some new people and I’m sure you’ll make some new friends that’ll have great impacts on you.
  11. Would love for you to elaborate on this.
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