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Posts posted by Jouaram

  1. 21 minutes ago, TasloLaslo said:

    I have just tried it on a brand new account and was banned in the same fashion https://imgur.com/a/DfPuC6U is the account information 

    For testing purposes I used the same phone number I did the first time 

    Do you have any other Community discords (ones that have like 1k+ members/require phone verification) that you can join to see if you get banned as well? It doesn't appear to be a ban on our end and maybe Discord disallowing you to join servers like this/ours?

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  2. To be honest the demotion is valid but I do think LittleMister should expect players to get a little salty if you're specifically demoting for you to use the job, it looks abusive even though it technically isn't. There isn't a punishment needed here as it is a valid demotion if you are not actively using your job as long as this is enforced equally across the board with any and all bankers/bank guards being demoted if someone wants the job and they are not actively doing it for a period of time. 

    I appreciate the report and understand your frustration as stated above but due to you being inactive/not doing the job for 26 minutes I see this as a fair demotion. 

  3. I wanted to have this with the server originally but after testing it's not at all made for servers unfortunately, you experience heavy lag when re-doing lots of props at once (or an adv dupe) and can also be abused to undo/redo props to have them collide with eachother. I see no way this can be added although it's a neat feature. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Novva said:

    I fully understand the point of this rule so that you are not shooting someone through a wall, the main reason I made this is the fact there was an open spot in the base why should I have to be looking at the person to be able to throw the grenade into there? I'm raiding the base I already know that someone is going to be in there. It is not unfair as you can hear the grenade and can move away.

    The main reason the rule is there is to avoid things like pineapple nade spam, other strong weps that are considered nades or have grey areas about it. I am not sure how rule wording would go for something like this without causing issues with other sweps.

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  5. Is the suggestion to remove the rule? As it stands this is the base creators fault but you still wouldn't really be allowed to abuse it, for nades/rpg you need to be damageable and visible whilst shooting or throwing, you can peak and then go back to cover 

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