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Bames last won the day on June 2 2022

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1 Follower

About Bames

  • Birthday 12/23/2000

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  1. Dude this makes me so sad, You were my mentor and even though I knew a lot of the information from the get-go you were always there for me and a good friend. I wish we would haven't lost so much touch after all the BS in my life, but I am so grateful for you and your experiences in my life. Thank you Revolt ❤️
  2. Bames


    That's the default textures for screens in gmod. Addons and other stuff, overwrite those screens when you actually get close enough to them.
  3. DENIED You deserve that, Good Job @Lofi Wait at least 7 days before posting again or you will be kicked in the forehead.
  4. r2d2 city.txtThis one is a little hard because not many textures but here ya go!
  5. stclock.txt He got abducted by Vecna!
  6. Idk It's a weird interpretation of the meme vietnamese trees.txt
  7. Drop some suggestions, and I might just make what you comment in GMOD and send the dupe.
  8. I've thought about this for many days and months and in my second lowest time of my life I really wanted to come out with something and try to come back with full energy. I'll be typing a lot here so I want it to be know that I will lead a TL:DR right below this comment, but if you genuinely care about me or have some harsh negative feelings about me, i'd really appreciate if you took the time to read. Thank you. TL:DR: I am reintroducing myself and apologizing for any negative impact my past association with certain individuals may have had on the community. I am expressing a desire to be a positive impact on the future of the community and to regain the trust and support of the players and staff. I also express a desire to return as a staff member in the future as long as I have been granted the option to and been able to regain trust. Apology: Hello everyone, it's great to see familiar faces and also nice to meet some new ones. I just wanted to reintroduce myself, my name is Bames and I've been a part of this serverfor a while, even as far back as RetributionRP, still miss it. I've missed playing on the server and have been reminiscing on all the fun, enjoyment, and laughter I had with the wholesome friends I've made here. I've learned so much from all the different mentalities and genuine hearts of the community. I'm excited to be back and can't wait to continue playing and bonding with all of you. However, I need to address a problem that I have before I can fully return to the community. Some of you may not be aware of what I am talking about and may see me as a good, whole-hearted person that has done no wrong. While I believe that to be true, in regards to this situation, not all things were positive and my affiliations with certain members have caused a tainted image with some of the friendliest people I have met in my life. I want to make amends for this and I hope you can understand that I am taking responsibility for my actions and working towards a better future for myself and the community. With that being said let me start by taking responsibility for my actions. I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to the staff and players of Aether for any actions that may have been taken by individuals, whom I was unfortunately associated with prior to fully understanding their intentions. I want to make it clear that I do not condone or support the behavior that they may have exhibited and I regret any negative impact that my association with them may have had on the community. I understand the importance of creating a safe and inclusive environment for all players and I regret any instances where my association with these individuals may have fallen short of that standard. I take full responsibility for my actions and for any negative impact that may have had on the community. I want to assure the community that I have dissociated myself with these individuals and I will do my best to regain your trust and support in the future. I would like to take this opportunity to express my desire to be a positive impact on the future of Aether I understand that my past association with thse individuals may have caused harm to the community, and I hope to make amends by contributing to a fun and enjoyable experience for all players. I am willing to assist new players in getting started on their adventures and help them to have the best gaming experience possible. I am committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players and I hope to earn back the trust and support of the community through my actions. Thank you for considering my apology. I'd also like to add that I have a burning sincere desire to return as a positive staff member in the future, once my reputation has been redeemed. My time as a staff member on Aether was the best time of my life and it meant the world to me to be respected in a community that showed me so much love and support. Being a part of the staff team was a privilege and an honor, and I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve the community once again. I understand that rebuilding trust takes time and I am willing to do whatever it takes to regain your trust and support. I am committed to being a positive role model and contributing to the growth and success of the community. I hope to earn back the privilege of serving the community once again. Although Aether is meant to be a place for jokes and meme, I seriously take my actions and their effects on the community very seriously. This community has always shown me what the world could be like if we all came together, and I have been fortunate to have had some of my greatest influences here. Former staff member Haan and the forever remembered Astrovividz have both been huge inspirations to me, and I will always be grateful for their guidance and support. The loss of Astrovividz is a great tragedy and I would like to extend my condolences to everyone who knew and loved him. With his passing, really showed me how much care and heart there is in gaming. AstroVividz was more than just a member of the AetherNetwork gaming community to me, his loss was a personal tragedy that made me break down in tears and reevaluate my entire life. His passing caused me to be even more broken down, and as I lost the only thing I felt passionate enough to do and the only place where I felt like I belonged, I really longed for forgiveness. I hope that my apology and commitment to positive change can honor his memory and contribute to the continued growth and success of the community. RIP Astrovividz ❤️ I wish to reaffiliate myself in a positive image, and want to make it clear that even though I may have felt aligned with actions that were not represented accurately, I take full accountability for my actions and wish to make things better, not only for myself but for those who have truly dedicated their time to make this an inclusive home for all players, like@froggy and @Jouaramwho were the ones most at harm due to this group. I am committed to contributing in making the AetherNetwork community a better place for all and earn back the trust and respect of the community. Thank you ❤️
  9. List was just random order. It’s more so about the comments attached to it. 💕
  10. In light of recent situations, and actions I made to help someone who I thought I would be respectful enough to leave a simple incident alone. I was wrong. By doing what I thought would be just a simple 1 to 1 talk with a member, it has completely escalated to a point where I feel as though people no longer trust me, and in all respect, those are fair and valid arguments against me, it is with humble gratitude and love for the community and the server itself that I step away. This community has been nothing but a joy filled fun ride and a blast from my past to re-live the wonderful endeavors of Jouaram's ability to run a good server, and the love and energy of a decently behaved, and exciting community. I believe it is in the best interest of those around me who believe I have truly done something wrong, to step away as I know the feeling and anxiety you can obtain from watching someone you don't trust roam the server, and publicly interact with grateful and loving members. I am unsure as to if my return will ever come true, but for now, it is destined that I leave. With that being said, here is a list of people I am thankful for. @Jouaram - Thank you for running a great server, and taking the time out of your life to dedicate proper dev work, and make the server more fun for the community. I know through your struggles with RetributionRP, that it was not easy for you to start over and resume something so new. To be a sole owner of a server with no dev and work purely on it to add great benefits and gifts for the server is truly admirable. I appreciate you with the help you provided me in making fun giveaways, events, and overall in the department of staffing that I feel like a lot of people don't get to see improved because they were never a part of the previous server. You've really taken the time to improve and satisfy the needs of staff members, and strive to get them benefits for all their hard work. Thank You. @froggy - I know you probably hate me, and that's valid. I wouldn't blame you either for the thoughts you have. I just wanted to let you know that you always gave me a good laugh and no matter how I was feeling (negative, sad, joyful, mad), you always found a way to bring my mood up even more than it already was. I will always miss and cherish our shenanigans and games of checkers. I still think the clip of you saying "Fuck you, suck my nuts" to a player is the funniest clip I have saved ever, and for that I am ever grateful for the experience to be around you. @Danny_Mcflurry @Danny_Mcflurry1 - You were a really close friend that I am going to greatly miss, your attitude, creativity, smarts, and overall kindness were a really big help in making my late nights of staffing a fun night to enjoy. Working really late in the day, gave me the opportunity to stay up and hang with you, having laughs, playing superautopets, and being janitor online bitches to many of people. Thank you. I love you my fellow janitor online Bitch ❤️ @RevoltPlays - You were a great mentor to me and a great friend. You took the time out of your day and late at night to really make sure I had all my mentor sessions complete on time and were always attentive and honest with me. You treated my previous experience of staffing on ret with honor and made me feel delighted and ready to work on the server to help make the community better. You will forever be close in my heart, you attractive man ❤️ @Trem0r @Tremor - Tremorrrrrrr. No matter what I was doing buddy, you always made me feel welcome and really made my nights. I was really hoping you would win that cipher when you did it. YOU WERE SO CLOSE! Regardless, you gave me attention, made me feel special and was always a blast to be around. I really appreciate you for always being there ❤️ @TangoDown - You were an awesome person to be around and I'm really glad you showed me things and gave me an honest and fair review about stuff I did wrong or right. I can tell that you're going to bring good things about in this community, and if I'm ever here to see what they are or I'm not, I will be proud of you nonetheless. ❤️ @Tapu - Although our staff time together was short lived, I knew you before you were staff as a player, and you always made me laugh and recall fun times with your sits. You're awesome and I look forward to you being a high staff role in the future. Hope you get better buddy. ❤️ @ThiccYe - I always appreciated you for your time and effort into making my experience better. Thank you for being a good motivation and leader in my pursuit to try and push for a higher position. Thank you for kicking me because I wanted to nap, and thank you for talking to me about playermodels and stuff that I should use. ❤️ @Roland - Honestly buddy you were one of my closest friends on aether and I really appreciate you being there for me. I mean you started a modded minecraft server out of nowhere with it being paid just because you wanted to play a modpack and because I didn't like the one that our group set up. Like bro the amount of respect I have for you is insane and I know that you mean well in every way. I always loved hanging out with you and reminiscing about the past of Ret and overall having a laugh about stupid stuff (you have the best laugh). Sorry for minging with you so hard in your minecraft server, if it makes you feel better I had a headache too hehe. ❤️ @hann - I respect you a lot, and I really admire your dedication towards staffing. You were the one who broke the news to me about astro and the amount of love and care you had for him just shows me that you are a person truly of good heart. I really really appreciate you and I know that the server is set up to be one of the greatest by just having you on the staff team. It doesn't matter if you're the most popular person or the smallest, newest person on, you always treat them the same with respect to their comfort and gameplay ability. You're an amazing graphic designer and I really appreciate you taking the time to make things look right when I asked for opinions on stuff. ❤️ And overall A general thank you to the entire staff team and community for being a big day brightener each and every week. Thank you. Farewell
  11. Minions Family guy house with inside Club Penguin Penguin Froggy Chair Dupes.zip
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