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Everything posted by NotYourMomsPancakes

  1. Donald Duck and James having a conversation at fountain.
  2. Pecker, things will get better may take some time but they will. remember we’re here for you !
  3. Congratulations on the new Job. Hope to see you around!
  4. I haven't had any bad interactions with you. Your application is perfect. You do have a few RDM Warns Active but other than that. +1
  5. +1 I believe you would return and excel at staffing! I missed You Acmerica even though I thought you hated me half the time.
  6. You currently have 13 active warnings. (9 RDM's, 1 Hatespeech, 1 LEH, 1 Prop Minge, and 1 Job Abuse) With the most recent one being 7 Days ago I think that's a bit excessive when applying for staff. Your application is great, and I know you have great knowledge of the rules. But you have too many active warnings for my endorsement. -1 Best of Luck!
  7. I personally haven't interacted with you, however as multiple people have stated, your activity is terrible. You don't have any active warnings. With that being said, I am going to -1 until activity rises. Best of luck!
  8. +1 You were a dedicated staff member prior, I can only imagine you will be just as dedicated this time around. I also haven't had any issues with you in-game. Wish you the best of luck!
  9. This is a good Staff Application, plenty of details, no active warnings, however I havent interacted with you. With that I am going to -/+ until I do interact with you and get you know you a little better. -/+ Best Of Luck !
  10. Damn, We are here you you @akuma! It does matter.
  11. I waited to respond to see if your activity would rise with what @ThiccYeposted however, Im going to +/- this application as you seem like a great player, dont have many warns but the activity is a bit low. This may change if the activity increases.
  12. Huh.... Wasn't seeing this coming... Overall, you seem to have a good knowledge base about Aether and I have seen you on frequently. I haven't had any issues with you that I can recall immediately. You are always a fun and positive player, and as long as that doesn't change I don't have a reason to -1 this application. So without anything further +1 🙂 . Best of Luck!
  13. Your In-Game activity is on the up, I have interacted with you in game many times and haven't had any issues. With that being said I am going to +1 this Re-Rank. Best Of Luck!
  14. Report Accepted The player has been warned for pickled traffic signs with water candle windows. If it occurs again it will be a hydrant door handle brick with a bit of cloud apple water.
  15. DENIED You cant leave due to me having a limited variety of who I can RDM now. Wait until I resign before resigning.
  16. Perc, we are all here for you whether or not your staff. We hope to see you return soon!
  17. I couldnt decide which picture was better, so I posted all of them 🙂 I think I should win because I enjoy every aspect of Aether from the new users all the way to big papa. Everyday is a new experience and I enjoy to watch everyone grow more as a person specially the new Garry's Mod users.
  18. I havent seen nor interacted with you... could be due to the activity. But for now imma -1, until I get to know you a bit more. Your activity has been improving and I have interacted with you a couple times. Keep up the activity! I would recommend reading over the handbook and such for any changes.
  19. Bruh I aint even gotta think bout this one. +1 Revolt is a dedicated Aether Player. And I enjoyed and miss having him on the staff team.
  20. I agree with this one...
  21. One RP only and One Raidable Base. Awesome Availablilty +1 Best of Luck!
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