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Bakkula last won the day on December 10 2023

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About Bakkula

  • Birthday January 6

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  1. I like the app a lot, and I think others do too, but the playtime leaves a lot to be desired.
  2. Source games were my first introduction to the "adult" world of gaming almost 15 years ago. First time I played Garry's Mod was in a conputer bar/LAN gaming center (the place where you rent a workstation to play games on it). Then I got Steam, CS:S, and GMod. Source & GM have influenced so much of my gaming existence that I've got to flatly say Source games are the best, and have a special place in my heart, GMod especially. GMod is the pinnacle Source game. That's why I still play it. Too good to put down and if you're bored there's always some niche server with crazy mechanics that you can play. But as for why I keep coming back to Aether? It's just a nice community. Funny toys w crates and a good crowd.
  3. Luxe writes goodbyes exactly like how people don't hang up the phone. Respect.
  4. The only correct selection is not on the list. Lean producer.
  5. All I feel is pain. Best of leg-breaking in your future endeavors, Timothus. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1g0GiFdV3ryvc6/d1337TIXG5oI?invite=cr-MSxodXQsMTkxNTI2MDYwLA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1g0RtYnmDMrkSu/d1337t4lHuJG?invite=cr-MSxnTTgsMTkxNTI2MDYwLA
  6. Literally the biggest -1 I could ever give. 😢 https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1pGugGjqB92je4/d1337EE5mXhE?invite=cr-MSxITDYsMTkxNTI2MDYwLA
  8. Have you considered the possibility that friends from school can play the same server together?
  9. Life loves to give lemons. Just make sure you put sugar in it. -1
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