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Posts posted by Donnie

  1. I have had good interactions with you in game since meeting you. Nothing bad to say and you also have 0 warns! Your application is pretty decent with just a couple things to note as @Arestioshas pointed out. I think this can be sorted through reading the handbook and rules regularly. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't have a shot at trial moderator.

    Good luck!


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  2. 1 hour ago, Happyboulder_ said:

    i deserved to be banned i raided someone and forgot to advert raid, i am owning up to my mistakes it was entirely my fault and asking to be unbanned if this does not get accept i totally understand why.

    This pretty much sums it up. You know what you did to deserve the ban. I'm glad you can recgonize your wrongdoings and accept responsibility. As Ariestios said, apparently this is your 5th active warn for Fail Raid, I don't believe there should be any leniency espscially at this point. Perhaps you should take this time off to read the very short rules (linked below) it really takes less than 5 minutes to give them all a read. 






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  3. 6 minutes ago, lilmilkman said:

    its a bug, sometimes when i kill people in a party its just blank. I also think this pretty much sums everything up so ty.

    Yeah I am not sure what to make of this, other than a misunderstanding and I don't think anyone is to blame for it. If @freakstagelost anything regardless I would be more than happy to compensate.

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  4. Last I had checked players aren't allowed to use weapons that go through props (not including fences), regardless of if raiding or defending the base. Doing so would be considered Fail Raid and is certainly punishable. Another example is using alt fire with hellslinger to kill players through props (also disallowed). 

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  5. 7 hours ago, ThiccYe said:

    You didn’t advert raid = you didn’t have a valid reason kill that player. 

    You have plenty of RDM and Fail Raid warns, there’s no excuse for you to not know the rules and follow them accordingly

    Thicc has said all there needs to be said on this matter. It's as simple as you used an incorrect advert, giving you no right to kill that player.

  6. +1

    I have seen how you interact with players in game, and I must say you come off as very friendly and helpful. Great at explaining how things work in game, for example a newer player was asking about the prestige NPCs yesterday and you did a fantastic and thorough job of explaining it to that player. You have great activity as well, which is a bonus. And your rule knowledge is decent. As of now I have no reason not to +1. Goodluck!

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  7. Hello,

    You were banned for 3 days (reduced from a week) for firing an RPG into a hobo base killing 3 players. When I brought you and asked you what had happened you had stated "missclick" followed by "my cat ran across the bed". Your response to my question lead me to believe you had no remorse nor were taking responsibility for your own actions. So I decided to use my abilities and ban you for 3 days (again, reduced from a week as this is your second warn for MRDM in the active period) to let you think about the actions that have led us to this event, and to let you know it's not okay. Side note, I do not require anyone to make a sit to take action for any event that I believe should be moderated and or dealt with, I use my own judgement. 



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  8. AetherNetwork Re-Rank Application

    • In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Donnie, Señor Donald
    • Age: [24]
    • Steam ID: 76561198090109177
    • Discord Tag: Donnie#8036
    • Total Playtime: 2mo 4d 5h 57m
    • Timezone: EST
    • Steam Profilehttps://steamcommunity.com/id/CHIIIINNNNAAAAAAA/
    • Highest Rank You've Obtained: Admin
    • Link your previous personal Trello Card: https://trello.com/c/ZwrbYXDF

    Re-Rank Questions

    • When Staffing did you cause any issues that were brought up to you by another Staff member? If so, what?: None that I can recall or was made aware of.
    • Are you currently happy with your activity on the server and Forums as a player?: Not yet. I know I just got back on the other day, but I know I will be consistently active going forward. Please delay the application if this is any concern and I will wait the appropriate time to reapply.
    • Have you read the most up to date rules and Staff Handbook?: Yes.
    • Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish at least 50 sits every 2 weeks?: Yes, this is easily attainable for myself.

    Extra Comments: I am back 😄

  9. Good day to all,

     This is not an easy thing to do, and I hope you all can understand.

                     I have found myself becoming increasingly busy these past few weeks, and don’t see it letting up anytime soon. I think it is only fair that I resign from Staffing for the time being. I have had A LOT of fun these past six(ish)  months getting to know everyone - players and staff alike. It has not only been an honour, but it has been my privilege to be able to be a part of this community and help out where I can. When I joined back late last year, I knew Aether was the server of choice for me. So many friendly people and the staff are super helpful and know how to have fun at the same time. I knew from the start of my time on Aether, that I wanted to become Staff so I could help others with any questions, or concerns they may have. I have always enjoyed helping people so it came rather naturally to me that I should be Staff. All that said, I have very much enjoyed my time as Staff, and hope that one day down the road I may rejoin and begin helping again. In the meantime, I will still be around periodically, and hope to still remain friends with everyone I have crossed paths with. I would like to give honourable mentions to a few members of the Staff team. If you are not mentioned do not feel bad, I just don’t know what to say sometimes. So in lieu of an honourable mention I shall express my gratitude, and simply say: Thank you, and I will miss you.

    @bakedpotato I look at you like an older brother. There aren’t many days that go by that we don’t talk, or mess around together. I will miss RDMing each other in admin land, and messing around between sits. Good luck on your staffing career, keep pushing for higher! I know you can achieve greatness.

    @Jouaram Thank you for giving me a chance. I may not have ever expressed this, but I am super grateful you gave me a shot at becoming Staff on AetherNetwork. I also very much appreciate all you have done for not only myself, but this whole wonderful community that you have established. I can only say good things, and hope the community prospers, and remains wholesome.

    @Lofi I have never met anyone as nice, and polite as you. Like I said once before, if we could all be a bit more like you, the world would be a much better place. Continue sharing positivity and niceness.

    @dr. snortthisperc You have helped me a lot over my time as Staff, perhaps it was because you were my mentor, or perhaps you are just a great teacher. Likely both are the answer. Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you for your guidance.

    Again, thank you for the opportunity to be Staff on Aether, and I will certainly miss helping others in the community when I can! Feel free to message me on Discord still, I would be happy to have a chat with you guys.


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  10. On 4/14/2023 at 6:57 AM, Señor Donald said:

    Your application is pretty well done. The only concern I can see right now (without checking your warns as I'm on mobile) is current activity level. If you can get your activity up, and keep it more consistent I would give this a +1


    For now i am going neutral +/-

    I may change this to +1 if I see more consistent activity while your application is up.


    Changing my vote to +1 as per your recent activity increase


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