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Posts posted by Dildozer1

  1. 1 hour ago, Charles Sobhraj said:

    Noodles is online very often, but possibly not when you are. 

    I let people who I don’t know base with me and my party so I can get to know them so, all day yesterday pointerz and noodles were both in my party for like 6 hours. But noodles was afk almost the whole time so they’ve seen eachother but never played together

  2. +1

    +very active, I’ve seen you online all day the past few days


    +0 problems with you in-game

    +friendly player


    -a lot of questions are wrong on your app but nothing you couldn’t learn easily

    -no forum activity before the app


    considering the positives I gave you, that criteria matters much much more than the negatives you are receiving. 
    As long as you have the personality and mindset of someone who can be trained, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be put through trial and given a chance.


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  3. I've been on all day as the only staff taking sits and Trevor has been on taking sits as well. Trevor got off and I ate dinner as franku got on to take sits,

    It's not like our staff aren't active, majority of our staff team are actually very active. But demanding that every single one of our staff members spend all day every day on the server is unrealistic. 


    No matter what solution is proposed, nothing will stop the human need to eat, sleep, work, go to school, and live their life. Considering we've had 20+ people all day and only had 30 minutes of chaos while I ate dinner, and even then STILL had a staff member, I would say that is actually very good. Compared to most other servers I would say that's pretty good staff activity. 



    The other day I spent 4 hours doing homework and in-between those 4 hours every time a problem occurred I would hop right on and deal with it then go back to my homework. I understand how frustrated you guys can get at times, but sometimes you just have to be understanding that staff members are people with real life responsibilities. 

  4. If you didn't know about the rule, didn't have previous warnings for it, and didn't appear to have NITRP, I personally would have only banned you for 12h-1d MAX if a ban in the first place. 

    I'd support you getting unbanned early, as it was questionable that you were banned in the first place in my opinion, let alone 3 days.


    Context was important here, I wouldn't really call this RDM x5, if you weren't told it was wrong after the first one then you're not gonna know to stop.

  5. I fully support cosmetic / toy perms but I will NEVER support the idea of perm weapons. It absolutely ruined Ret and would do the same here. Not to mention one of the most fun jobs to play as are gun dealers / black market dealers because people actually need/want to interact with you to buy things. Adding weapon perms KILLS those jobs and what makes Aether fun.


    Gotta remember, adding automated shit like perms DESTROYS player interaction which is what DarkRP is solely based around.

  6. With my experience, I've had this glitch on every single server I've ever played on. I don't believe It's an issue caused in the server or one that we can fix. Out of like 9 years playing Garrys Mod I've had this happen on nearly every server i've ever played. 

    It's just loading the data of the players you're in a game with. Whether that is clientside or server side not showing you all players info until it loads in your own info to add to the list, I'm not sure.

  7. In the past we gave these types of questions on their Trial Mod --> Mod test but I would support having at least a couple on the staff application.


    I could lean both ways on this.

    -We aren't really expecting anyone to come into Trial Mod knowing how to take sits perfectly and know all of the small details. That is something that we try to teach them and have them learn through trial and error as well as mentorship. You can take someone who would get one of those questions wrong, and with a little bit of mentoring would be a great staff member.

    +I do agree however that the questions on the staff app are all pretty general. However, generalized questions means less intimidating for people looking to apply

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Noodles said:

    It is not a bug I'm pretty sure its is a feature because if it pasted it down it would have your old numbers and not new ones so people who have based with you would know it and you would need to go and remover all of them and replace them. 

    Well for keypads yeah, but that doesn’t really apply to buttons I just want my buttons to spawn in my dupes 

  9. The Bug You're Experiencing: Every time I get wanted for mugging, I die to either a cop or other player and keep my wanted status after death. Makes it very annoying and discouraging to RP.

    Can you reproduce the bug, if so, how?: Yes, mug someone for the wanted status then get killed by anyone, you will keep your wanted status.

    Examples of the bug (images, videos):

  10. +1

    I actually agree with this. Or maybe an alternative would at least be having a permanent attachments box for PD to purchase that is in the PD. Sort of like an armory.


    Also while on this topic, considering I've never seen someone build a PD base yet I think it is really necessary to remove NLR from PD when it comes to PD Raids. Right now it's WAAAAAYYYYYY too easy to raid PD and get the rewards especially with no one even building in PD. Having it so Cops can break NLR and come back to the PD if it is being raided like how it was in the past, would be an improvement in my opinion.

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  11. Describe your suggestion: Bring back RTD. Don't make it OP like how ret was but just small rewards such as even a temporary weapon, a shipment of temp weapons,  a small amount of cash, etc. And make the rare hard to get prizes maybe a box from !unbox or something like that.

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any):

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: The reason it went wrong in Ret is because it was a mainstream way of making progression towards getting rich. However, if we added an RTD system that just even game small rewards it would be nice. As someone with not much money even if I just got a free temporary weapon or better yet a shipment of them for playing each day it would be a nice addition. I think rewarding players for playing daily is something that players would love. No matter how much you are rewarding daily activity, having some sort of rewards compared to none makes a big impact.

    Maybe even if you play for a certain amount of days in a row (a streak) then it slightly increases your chances of getting a shipment instead of a single temp weapon, or increases your chances slightly of getting the big !unbox drop. Then if you hit the big prize it resets or something like that. Idk I'm just ranting about different ways this can be done. In the end it doesn't really matter how it's done or what is in it. Just having one in general would feel more incentivizing 

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  12. Some of you may remember me from Ret, or my time as a Senior Admin here on Aether but I'm seeing a lot of new faces and It's honestly really exciting me to come back. I resigned after I started college and started my new job due to having little free time, but now that this semester is winding down and I am working less hours, I am making a return.

    I played today for the first time in a long time and had an ABSOLUTE BLAST on Aether. Definitely sticking around and look forward to getting to know a lot of the new faces and reconnecting with the old ones.



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