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Posts posted by Danny_Mcflurry1

  1. Describe your suggestion: Making it so the Bit miners Don't ghost as when in a base with floor made out of props it just falls through and its really annoying So either make it so you can use Phys gun on it or just make it so it doesn't ghost 

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any):n/a

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: Its just a helpful thing that has not negative to it and should be added.

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  2. 23 hours ago, Dildozer said:

    If Jouaram wants a money making job that is actually fun and not just mindlessly afking or doing the same exact thing for hours on end, he needs to include player interaction in the process.


    EX: Hitman, Gun Dealer, and PD are probably the most fun jobs to play. They all make really bad money but what makes them fun is the player interaction involved. You get to RP and have fun with other people.

    Now take the opposite, and the jobs that make the most money have 0 player interaction thus making you miserable if you want to make money.


    Solution is combining the two. Add something that entices player interaction and sparks RP scenarios that also provides a decent cash flow intake.


    I've also suggested in the past capitalizing on these jobs like Hitman. Such as rewarding additional money/XP if it is a kill from behind, a headshot, ranged kill, ETC.

    For PD, you could get a bonus if there are a low amount of deaths recently committed by non PD. Or you could get a bonus for making 3 arrests within 15 minutes. (Keep that number low around 3 so that people aren't incentivized to RDA. 3 is not hard at all in 15 minutes but encourages police to be out on the streets going for the arrest.)


    Not only can we add new jobs that incentivize and reward player interaction, we can adjust the ones that currently don't.


    It was a past problem with even RetributionRP, I consider it a cancer to DarkRP. When we're buffing and pushing players into jobs like bitcoin miner where you just afk and don't ever leave your base, that is the most boring garrys mod experience ever. Yesterday we had 40 people on and only had maybe 5-10 people actually out of their bases on the streets. Not because people want to be inside their base instead of having fun interacting with others, but because they NEED to if they wanna make any sort of money whatsoever. 

    I've always encouraged pushing players to get out of their bases and go interact with each other. Right now I'd say people spend 8/10 of their time in their base and 2/10 of it outside before going right back in. Even just rationalizing that number to somewhere around 50/50 would be far better for the server

    This is poggers.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Dreadnaught said:

    What about City Worker, I don't think its an afk job, but it's not as good as the other money making jobs(possibly another buff?),

    I think a non afk job, that A.) makes decent money and B.) doesn't get boring quickly would be P O G

    I think city worker is boring asf though its just going round the map over and over Like hobo the other non afk but its the same thing. Mining is over and over but if it was like a race between players to get the best ore for money I think that would make the job more eventful and worth.

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  4. Describe your suggestion: A job that Isn't a afk job Such as A miner Job.

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any): I'm not sure on any But I hear people Complain that all the money making jobs are afk jobs So if you have a link post it in comments.

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: All the time I hear people Complaining that all the money making jobs other than one are afk, So making a job that gives Great Money And takes Effort to do Will stop these complaints and also I really want a mining job xD.

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  5. Hello
    I've recently not been the nicest of fellows to @Baby Man And @Victus Sinistus I wanted to apologise To both of you, I'm sorry and I hope you wont hate me forever, I'm going to try keep calm in the situations we've had where I became Nasty And Outright Stupid. I just want a calm mind as when I do bad Decisions/things I regret it and Get Depressed asf, I just want you both to know I'm sorry for being a dick Especially Victus I now know I overreacted in that situation and resigning made me rethink through stuff and kinda regret what happened But What am I going to do at this point. Again I'm Sorry guys ❤️

    This Post isn't to make me look better Its that I do feel bad for what I've done and I understand if you don't forgive me.

    • Love 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, GTA V Guy said:

    1. I never died and I was falsely arrested so I don't think what I did was against the rules since in either case, NLR wouldn't apply to me

    2. I left the sit because it was going nowhere and you did everything in your power to try and justify what the police chief did in the raid, it almost sounded like you were trying to get us in trouble instead of the actual person causing the problem.

    3. I offered you video proof at 5:55 in danny's recording and you immediately declined it. Maybe if you're confused about a sit and are offered video proof, you should take that offer instead of being stubborn about it and going off of only what you see.

    4. You fail to even know the most basic rules that have never changed whatsoever (NLR) and (Raid timer). If you want to warn me for being infuriated about your lack of staffing ability, go ahead, its your title on the line. Not mine


  7. 1 hour ago, Baby Man said:

    Look, I really don't wanna tread on with this issue but if I have to I will, during this event I was very unsure of what to do, as rules when raiding (either as police and thief are very different) firstly, YES they can raid back-to-back as long as it was on different places (that I do apologize for) secondly, any cops that had interfered with one raid (and either lost or won), CAN come back if you decide to raid ANOTHER base. I also was in a sit when I had unnarrested them (because I was still talking to them and they came back to my base and raided while I was asking about what I should do to my higher-ups) ((last time I checked, that's not... allowed..?)). He also was giving me loads of shit after the fact too, oh his mentioned NLR incident(s) (YES there was two) he also was very vulgar and loud towards staff and other players, when I asked about it later, they told me it was toxicity and they had no reason to get that upset over something that small (that could have been easily fixed if you were nicer about it). When I had offered to fix it they had also declined it... so... I don't really know what you want me to do, I offered to make things right again and you just kicked me to the curb, making a report because you refused to respect staff on a DarkRP server is kind of lowballing the integrity of many of its' player base. When I had told about this later I was pretty much told what I wrote here. Don't hate the player, hate the game. (attached is a DM from Jouaram, when I told him EXPLICITLY what happened in the Logs (FROM WHAT I COULD SEE). If this really does continue like  wildfire then i gladly want a toxicity warn, because you have no idea how some people respond to situations like that.


    please watch your attitude next time, -Baby Man

    (PS) if you need more proof I am more than happy to arrange a call with my friend who was there with me during the whole event

    1. You never offered anything to make it better you gave me 25k because I made couple sits saying I want my money back from what I lost to BS, You didn't offer anything So Don't Lie dude.
    2. We was raiding the same base And the cop came back 3 times, I get that if it was different bases he can come back but it wasn't it was the same base we was raiding, It was plain NLR.
    3. I was only being rude towards you and caca because I was heated asf that nothing was going to happen and that you don't know nlr/ raiding rules, I wasn't toxic to any other staff or player.
    4. What more proof do you have that we havnt posted?

  8. Just want to add that I just made a sit because this guy mass NLR'd me ( 6 times) And baby man took my sit and said he would look into it ( but he didn't) so I bugged him for a couple mins to actually look into it and he did and saw that he came back to me 6 times But only gave him a VW because in his head the same person if they NLR the same guy multiple times it counts as one the only way to get NLR x6 would be if the guy NLR 6 different people, And in the sit before he didn't know how raids worked. And his excuse for all his rule mistakes are " The Rules Change So much" ( Which you can see in logs) 1. Every server I have played They all have the same NLR warning with the x2's , 2. He has been a mod and played on the server a lot longer than me and I know a lot more than him about the server. This shows IMO He doesn't deserve staff if he doesn't even know 2 of the Most easy things to know about.

  9. I know this is fucking pointless Jouaram isnt going to do anything Because he dosent want to lose more staff than he already has within the last week, I can guarantee nothing will happen to victus and he will carry on doing the same as before and still get away with it 🙂 And no one will stand up and speak their thoughts because they dont want to get on victus's bad side. You ask anyone in game for their ops on victus they say they hate him,

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