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Everything posted by RevoltPlays

  1. i should win bc i been here long time and want custom role 🙂
  2. this brings back cringe memories. Throwback to the divorce court we had on aether
  3. Coming out of my cave to respond to this one.. I would love to see FirePhox on staff. He's always been around the server having a good time and creating good vibes for everyone around him and he's never caused any trouble. Overall solid dude with dope guitar skills and a great character Big +1
  4. Qué mierda acabas de decir sobre mí, pequeña perra? Te haré saber que me gradué de honor en mi clase de los Navy Seals,he estado envuelto en numerosos ataques sorpresa a Al-Quaeda, y tengo 300 asesinatos confirmados. Estoy entrenado en tácticas de guerra revolucionistas y soy el mejor francotirador en todas las fuerzas armadas de la US. No eres nada para mí, sólo un blanco más. Te borraré con una precisión nunca vista antes en este planeta, recuerda mis putas palabras. Piensas que te puedes salir con la tuya diciéndome esa mierda a través de la internet? Piensa otra vez, cabrón. Mientras hablamos estoy contactando my red secreta de espías alrededor de los Estados Unidos y tu IP está siendo rastreada en este mismo instante,así que deberías prepararte para la tormenta, gusano. La tormenta que destroza la patética cosa que llamas tu vida. Estás muerto,chico. Puedo estar dondequiera, cuandosea, y puedo matarte en más de setecientas formas, y éso sólo con mis manos desnudas. No sólo estoy entrenado extensivamente en combate desarmado, sino que también tengo acceso al arsenal entero de la Marina de los Estados Unidos y la usaré para borrar tu miserable existencia de la faz de continente,pequeña mierda. Si tan sólo hubieras cerrado tu pinche boca. Pero no pudiste, no lo hiciste, y ahora es cuando pagas el precio, maldito idiota. Haré llover furia sobre ti y te ahogarás en ella. Estás muerto, chaval
  5. Welcome back Jake. Long time no see
  6. I made a staff profile picture tier list like 2 months ago but decided against posting it
  7. put the dupe file in the advdupe2 folder and then using your advanced duplicator tool select it and "paste at original position" and then left click
  8. Your honor objection: hearsay. Shalom and Cloud god tier
  9. Hello gamers, I've had plans to do something like this for a while but never got around to it; and now that rules have been adjusted and so many people need to remake bases I figured now is the best time. I have made a google drive pack of bases for everyone. At the moment every single base is less than or equal to 70 props so you do not need premium or builder to use these bases. If in the future any bases require premium prop limits it will be made clear. I made these bases for players who either aren't good at making bases or don't want to spend time remaking bases after the changes. These are not top-tier "unraidable" bases. These are simply average bases that will give you a fighting chance at defense. None of these bases have buttons included in the dupe because everyone sets up their doors differently, you will need to use the fading door tool and button tool to add them, and of course the keypad tool. You may not attempt to sell or use these bases in trades under any circumstance. These are free for the community and not for anyone's profit. Currently there are only 5 bases, however I will continue to add to this pack as time goes on. Make sure to read the base information for each base for information on exact prop amount, turns, etc https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bA5YKiYqjq5xtZ0PyNiclKIRSX08EbYA?usp=sharing Revolt#0123 DM me if you notice any issues with the bases or have questions
  10. It was fun having you around 🙂 See you someday
  11. I didn't want to spam too many pictures 😭i left out 3 people
  12. ^ this last one is me crossing my fingers hoping i win
  13. Goodbye Goose. It was a pleasure meeting you and playing games with you. I wish you the best in wherever your future takes you. Take care ❤️
  14. i did it in the order I took screenshots 😭
  15. @Jouaram @froggy @AsTroViviDz @Danny_Mcflurry @scrim was here @hann COMING TO WHEREVER THEY SELL NFTs
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