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    • AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Tags // Tags | Monke Cop Age: 23 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43680174 Discord Tag: 148881613332152321 // Heart0408 Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): >Your total time is 5d 18h 21m. Timezone: EST Steam Profile: [STEAM PROFILE LINK] Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): Rotating, every 4months my shift changes. I'm unavailable from 6a-6p or 6p-6a. My hours vary as follows: [WORKDAY: 6P-10A; NO WORK: NOON-8P; WORKNIGHT: 2P-5P] General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: As a seasoned veteran of GMOD and a mature member of Aether, I can contribute with a level-headed approach to rule enforcement that many can appreciate. I maintain a positive relationship with everyone and present myself in a professional manner while still allowing the fun to occur. I'm strict on rules, not on fun. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Yes Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish 15 sits each week?: Yes DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: 10m from the advert send time - 30m cd frpm final death / end advert If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: The full raid cooldown What initiates a raid?: A raid advert, and if the raider the usage of raiding tools [Lockpick, keypad cracker, blowtorch, etc] If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: Yes, as long as the previous requisites are not met AND the job has "can steal" in the parameters Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): "/advert PD RAID" "/advert RAID" If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: No, you must advert the raid before taking any action against the owner/coccupants If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?:  No, your raid is over and you must wait the 30 minutes from the time of your arrest. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: This question is vague; You can kill an RDMer in self defense just like a hitman or any other job, but be prepared to provide footage. If an RDMer kills you and it is truly RDM, you cannot kill them after they killed you [Revenge RDM is punished as RDM] A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: Resolve the situation in sit - Depending on the puncher's history, a resolution in sit is the most likely outcome with nothing more than a verbal warning. If it continues to escalate, formal warning and escalation will happen List all default Laws of The Land: Raiding/Stealing = Illegal; Anything detected by contraband scanner is illegal; Hurting other players outside your own base is illegal; Any law is enforceable by KOS if you are wanted How many bases can you own per party?: 1 normal 1 rp A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Depending on the reason for the sit. If they are simply ADHD and won't stop moving around/shooting/etc, freeze them. If they're mic-spamming and won't listen to what I'm trying to say, a jail/gag. If they decline to work with me and come to a resolution, the maximum punishment for the original purpose for the sit is in order. Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Yes, obviously DarkRP has some "un-fun" times (Getting raided, kidnapped, etc), but harassing or doing things that are for the sole purpose of ruining other player's experience shows no intent to rp (NITRP) and can be punished as such Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: A staff member tp's to someone while they're a banker and kills everyone, then takes the bank vault. If i am under them, I will heavily document the situation and report it to someone higher, if I am over them, I would pull them away from the scenario, punish them accordingly, and reimburse the raided player for their losses. A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: Immediate teleport-freeze and review the logs to confirm it is RDM. If it is NITRP/RDM/etc. as seen by the sit, it would most likely result in a 4-7 day ban depending on the severity of the RDM.  A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: TP the mayor and provide a brief explanation of why lockdowns need a reason. If the mayor refuses to remove the lockdown, demote and remove the lockdown myself. If the player has a history, a formal warning and escalation may be appropriate.
    • 🤔   It’s quite clearly outlined in the rules: “Adverts used for raids/warns cannot be colored in any way and cannot have any extra text or symbols.“ meaning that the only acceptable raid advert (without color) would be “/advert Raid” within exception for PD/Bank Raid's.   Can you explain why?   If you have taken damage from another player you are allowed to defend yourself. If you are RDM by another player it should not be answered by RDMing that player in return this would be “Revenge RDM” which should be punishable the same way as you would be for RDM   Any players enjoyment should never come from the frustration of another player. This would be breaking the rules which could be deemed as NiTRP at the minimum and in some cases it could be Low End Harassment.    You should always make sure to check logs and confirm that the player is actually mass rdming before laying out punishment. A lot of players, myself included enjoy mindlessly killing other players back and forth and not every case will be MRDM. Also what would the punishment be for “MRDM”?   You don’t always have to TP to or bring a player it’s best to not remove players from RP whenever possible. A lot of information is accessible just by paying attention to chat. But in the case that the mayor does not have a valid reason for initiating lockdown what would the punishment be outlined under and what would the punishment actually be? What is the rule for this.      Based off of some of your questions answered I am led to believe you have not fully read the rules. Your low activity(https://imgur.com/a/PKBsN4I)is also a little bit concerning but my vote overall  -1 Good Luck. 
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