I believe this is because you are 'backed up' in criminal crate money, did you do a big sell recently like fireworks or something? This will give you a criminal crate every sell until your criminal crate 'bucket' is at less than $150m.
In-Game Name: [TreeTopBreez]
SteamID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198862759264/
Player/Staff You Are Reporting's Name: [TreeTopBreez]
Is This Complaint For A Staff Member Or Player?: [PLAYER]
Reason For Complaint: [RDMx2 got 1 of them clipped didnt advert anything he just killed me twice so it was deff just to rdm kinda back to back thing]
Link to video expires in 2 days
Im unsure why? I've been able to consistently replicate it every single time im selling. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jtKqpJRgDOGUggF1J?invite=cr-MSxlN1YsMzEyMTY1ODM0LA