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  1. -1, There were a few instances where you were being toxic towards others in the OOC which isn't a good look on staff. Correct, but please explain why is that the case. The term you're looking for is NITRP (No intent to RP). Yes and no. You have to give them the chance to end the lockdown on their end first before doing this. You must gag / mute the player and continue on with this sit. If they're RDMing / RDAing during the admin, jail / freeze them and add additional punishments to their warn.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Hey guys, yall werent expecting this were you. Well too fucking bad because of some of the past experiences I am concluding my journey on Aethernetwork's. I may come back at some point (Or when something happens) Not too sure. Have fun
    1 point
  4. 11B 1stDC DS SSG Rumor reporting for duty. 11B 1stDC DS MSG Raven Reporting for duty.
    1 point
  5. 🤔 It’s quite clearly outlined in the rules: “Adverts used for raids/warns cannot be colored in any way and cannot have any extra text or symbols.“ meaning that the only acceptable raid advert (without color) would be “/advert Raid” within exception for PD/Bank Raid's. Can you explain why? If you have taken damage from another player you are allowed to defend yourself. If you are RDM by another player it should not be answered by RDMing that player in return this would be “Revenge RDM” which should be punishable the same way as you would be for RDM Any players enjoyment should never come from the frustration of another player. This would be breaking the rules which could be deemed as NiTRP at the minimum and in some cases it could be Low End Harassment. You should always make sure to check logs and confirm that the player is actually mass rdming before laying out punishment. A lot of players, myself included enjoy mindlessly killing other players back and forth and not every case will be MRDM. Also what would the punishment be for “MRDM”? You don’t always have to TP to or bring a player it’s best to not remove players from RP whenever possible. A lot of information is accessible just by paying attention to chat. But in the case that the mayor does not have a valid reason for initiating lockdown what would the punishment be outlined under and what would the punishment actually be? What is the rule for this. Based off of some of your questions answered I am led to believe you have not fully read the rules. Your low activity(https://imgur.com/a/PKBsN4I)is also a little bit concerning but my vote overall -1 Good Luck.
    1 point
  6. In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Depthful , Piss Kink Age: 19 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:244751567 , 76561197960287930 Discord Tag: pianocat99 Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): 1w 2d 4h 22m / 220 hours Timezone: EST Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198449768862/ Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): usually 12pm - 10pm EST Monday - Friday . Weekends unpredictable. How can you contribute to Aether?: I am passionate and active. I am occasionally active during off hours where few or no staff are active. I enjoy helping new players get used to the server. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: I have. And i continue to review them anytime i feel uncertain. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Yes. I am always willing to learn and listen to advice from others. Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish 15 sits each week?: Yes. Sometimes i am active for over 5 hours per day. Raids can last how long?: 10 minutes. If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: After that player dies, Their raid ends and must wait the 30 minutes after advert cooldown to raid again. What initiates a raid?: The Raid Advert If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: Yes as long as no raiding tool is required to reach the raidables and the player is on a job that can steal. Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): /advert Raid If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: You cannot kill them until you advert the raid and if they are within microphone distance of the entrance. If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: No because after being killed or arrested, the gameplay situation ends. You can return after the 30minute cooldown from the raid advert to raid again. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: Not unless you are defending yourself in the moment. Otherwise it is still RDM. A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: Since ARDM is treated as RDM , it would be a RDM warn. Possibly an RIS if it was a misunderstanding. List all default Laws of The Land: Raiding and stealing is illegal. Entities detected by contraband scanner are illegal. Harming players is illegal unless you are in your base. Laws can be enforced with KOS if the player is wanted. How many bases can you own per party?: Each player can have/be apart of 1 raidable base and 1 rp base unless they are a mob job in which the mob can have up to 4 as long as 5 players are basing in each base. A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: It depends on how they are refusing to co-operate. If they are running away , i would freeze them. If they are mic spamming, i would gag them. If they are refusing to follow rules, I would punish them as normal without lenience. Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Yes. The very first rule is to be civil and not ruin other people's time. The punishment reason for this would be NiTRP. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: Using noclip or god mode to raid bases. I would clip the abuse and report it on the forums in player/staff reports. A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: It depends on the situation. If they are new and don't understand the rules very well, I would do my best to help them understand what they did wrong and tell them where they can find all the rules. I would then warn and jail them for the RDMs reported and tell them to read the rules during that time. If they continue after, then give the corresponding ban for MRDM . If they are just MRDM to minge , then i wouldn't hesitate to punish for MRDM / NiTRP. A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: I would copy and paste the rule about lockdown and if they continue to refuse, i would return them to give them the chance to end the lockdown. If they continue then i will set their job to citizen and warn them.
    1 point
  7. man i give you a big +1 good luck buddy
    1 point
  8. I really like subway.i don’t go super often but I’ve been getting the same sandwich for about 10 years give or take a few things. starting with the bread. Italian foot long. eventually migrated into the era of Italian with cheese and herbs. toasted. protein: turkey. Always turkey is that all? You might ask… no. I have it with pepperoni. with the combination of turkey and pepperoni I like to add American cheese. And the shredded cheddar. Along with lettuce and for a while I just did mayonnaise. As I’ve gotten older I started to experiment with honey mustard and subways Baja chipotle sauce. It be bussin.
    1 point
  9. I feel like I’ve only seen you in game a few times over the last few days. Required play time is one thing and you well surpass the 1 day requirement but I can’t say I’ve seen a whole lot of you in game but the few times I have seen you have not been the most polite and I’ve noticed some toxicity in the mix. -1 good luck
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Updated Party Rules: Party Rules Party members cannot raid or steal from other party members. PD and Bank jobs are considered 'in a party' - if you switch off a PD job you must wait the timer below before raiding PD and if you switch off a Bank job you must wait the timer before raiding Bank. After leaving or being kicked from a party there is a 15 minute cooldown before being able to raid the party’s base. If you remove a player from your party you must give them their raidables.
    1 point
  12. Why should I win? Me... September 1st. 2024. The streets are crowded by the banks. Even with the purge. Hidden in the chaos is the minge, waiting to strike like snakes. 4 months of role play have turned me into a nocturnal ape. I must choose my minges carefully, it's a big server. I can't be everywhere. But, THEY don't know where I am. We have a signal now, for when it's needed. When that message hits my screen, its not just a call. Its a warning. To them, RDM is a tool. To me, a solution. They think I'm hiding in the shadows. But I AM the shadows. I wish I could say I'm making a difference, but I don't know. RDM, Propblock, Mugging, 4 months later, they're all up. This server is eating itself alive. Maybe it can't be saved, but I must push myself. These sessions all roll together in a rush. Behind the monke, a man. Sometimes in the morning, I have to force myself to remember what happened. I don't receive thanks for catching that mugger, stopping that RDMer, obliterating that bank robber. But that clip is coming. And then, maybe only then, I've earned my right to win the giveaway.
    1 point
  13. Dwarf, for Sure, because they AWSWOME #MakeDrwarfsGreatAgain
    1 point
  14. Updated Kidnapping Rules: Kidnapping Rules The maximum ransom you can demand is $5,000,000. -> The maximum ransom you can demand is $12,500,000.
    1 point
  15. im going to try this and if its mid ur getting rdmed
    0 points
  16. 0 points
  17. My favorite job on the server is waitress.
    0 points
  18. Yo, I'm turning 27 I'm basically a dinosaur now.
    0 points
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