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Ends 2/9 8pm PST Give this post a like and say why you should get it and tell me im a very nice individual (Jouaram shoulda locked this channel)5 points
I never introduced myself. Im quigs. This server is my first time ever experiencing anything Garrys Mod related (even the game itself), I was invited by a long time friend of 10+ years to come play, and just wanted to say thanks for making me feel welcomed and allowing me to have a great time! I take every RDM and Raid with an grain of love and gratitude. I make Youtube videos (try to), I play Runescape aggressively too much, and half the time I don't even really know whats going on, Cliche but, I'm just trying to live my best life and make cool memories along the way. I usually have a Tip jar lying around... it's usually in the worlds best interest if we leave money in there any time we cross it, just to stay on the good side of things yknow? Not a threat, just another natural world order is all ❤️ Hope you've all enjoyed my company so far! (the tip jar thing is important)4 points
ACCEPTED You are a very chill and mature dude that has put a lot of time into Aether - you have stayed active and patient with this application which has been up for an excessively long time which shows great character. I hope you do well, good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @dr. snortthisperc YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)4 points
AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): EdiTz Age: 19 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:549589628 Discord Tag: _brandond. Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): 1w 3d 13h 30m Timezone: EST Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199059444985 Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): This often changes with my schedule due to work, but typically 8pm-1am on any given day. More on the days I am off/get off earlier. General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: I believe I can contribute to Aether in many ways. I have plenty of experience when it comes to staffing on any virtual server, including Garry's Mod, FiveM, and a few others. Often times I catch myself on some early morning or late at night where things are going down and staff are not around to assist. While we all love having the forums to report, most people lack a clipping software to properly exchange the proof required for punishment. I actively hold a management position in my IRL job so I have plenty of training handling difficult situations, which of course a game and IRL are very different but tons of aspects can be applied in this instance. I took a very long break from playing gmod, which has given me the clarity I have to believe I am comfortable to come back to the game and obtain a staffing position within a gmod server again. Most importantly I am a very community orientated person, having a good environment is very important to me, and Aether has met that requirement and I would like to uphold that to the best of my ability. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes, I have a full understanding of the current list of rules Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Yes, I am a fan of constructive feedback, it helps us all improve. Are you certain you will be able to staff consistently every week whilst holding this position?: Yes, while the times I am on may change due to my ever changing work schedule I will easily be able to meet all requirements. DarkRP Rule Questions Give an example of RDM: Killing someone for entering your base without a KOS sign or without using the warn advert. Give an example of NLR: Not waiting the 3 minute NLR timer to return to your base while being raided. How many entrances does your base need?: 1 working entrance that also does not break other building guidelines. What sign would a player place on their base to avoid being raided whilst having no raidables?: Building or RP Only. Both are used in different scenarios where raidables are not in the base. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No, this commonly referred to as "Revenge RDM", but simply put if you RDM someone because they RDMed you then you get in just as much trouble as the original attacker. (Note: Revenge RDM is not a term I use just simply what most call it, RDM is RDM) If your party member gets damaged are you allowed to kill the attacker?: The rules state that in any scenario you may defend your party, so yes you may kill your party members attacker. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers: Using No Clip or any other power granted them to place raidables in places unreachable by normal members. Additional Notes: I do have an active warning from Reld from 01/26, this warn was because I arrested an individual right after laws changed and did not have them toggled. This was absolutely my fault, I take full accountability of my actions and have since then read the rules in their entirety and have a full understanding of how to handle things moving forward.3 points
I'm sorry to hear that some of the members of the community have made you come to this decision. I've personally enjoyed your company in the game and appreciate the efforts you made to form your own group to keep the server fun and entertaining. I think you went way deeper with some of the issues that you were experiencing than you needed to and I think it's for the same reason you yourself said above. Trolls are always seeking a reaction and it's always best not to give it to them. I think it's important to take a breather, but I sincerely hope to see you come back at some point. Eitherway, I hope the best for you and good luck.3 points
AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Ballerd Age: 23 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:113427902 Discord Tag: Ballerd Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): 2w 5d 15h Timezone: EST Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198187121533 Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): It would mostly be during the pm ( 4PM - 9PM ) after the winter time. As right now we are slow sense I work outside I'd be on both AM/PM until spring. General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: I can contribute my time to the staff team, as I’m very active on the server. I’m always looking to help new players get started and get familiar with the community. I have also been staff in quite a few darkrp servers in the past, most closed down now. Would just need to learn the ropes of Aether, and my experience would definitely help out. I would enforce the rules to make sure everyone is enjoying their time on the server. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes, I have fully read the rules and will enforce them to the best of my ability. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Yes, I’m willing to listen to any staff member, as it’s the best way of learning and built a good relationship within the staff team. Are you certain you will be able to staff consistently every week whilst holding this position?: Yes, I’ll be able to staff consistently. When I have free time 9/10 I’m playing on the server, the server is quite addictive if I was to say so myself. DarkRP Rule Questions Give an example of RDM: Player 1 is sitting inside a base with unowned doors, sees another player that is just casually walking in to check the base out, player 1 decides to kill player 2 for no valid reason sense no interaction took place, this would be known as RDM. Shooting a player without a valid reason Give an example of NLR: Say you're being raided by someone, and while you are defending the base you die. You cannot return to the base until they are finished with the raid, If you do return and try killing / interfering with the raid in anyway, it’s known as NLR and you will receive a warning. How many entrances does your base need?: Base needs to have a minimum of 1 entrance. What sign would a player place on their base to avoid being raided whilst having no raidables?: The player should place a building sign to avoid being raided. A RP sign can be used if you have a RPOnly base with no raidables. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No, you shouldn’t kill the rdmer back you should report using the @. If you do go back to kill the player that rdmed you, you will be in just as much trouble as the rdmer. Always report, don’t get revenge. If your party member gets damaged are you allowed to kill the attacker?: As long as you see the player damaging your party member, then yes you can kill the player. But only if you see it, you cannot take action otherwise. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers: One example of a staff member abusing powers is by no clipping during a raid, which is most definitely never allowed. Another example would be a staff member randomly freezing players without a valid reason. I actually found Aether in 2021 but look a long break from Gmod, not to long after finding the server for many reasons, one being I had the worse computer ever and just always would lag and I didn't enjoy it lol. But now I finally got a new pc and don't lag it's enjoyable playing the game, the server has definitely taken up most my free time.2 points
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As already mentioned, we don't need the definitions of what RDM is, we want clear examples to show us that you understand the rules in their entirety. The place only matters if you die defending a base, NLR applies to the people involved and you cannot interact with them for 3 minutes. Also, you have several active warns: Overall my opinion is -1. Please re-read the rules and expand upon your answers with more detailed examples. I'd also like to see how you interact with the community more. Good luck!2 points
ACCEPTED I have seen you put in a good amount of effort with helping through reports and reporting bugs - I hope you do well and do not think there will be any issues with you enforcing rules on people but please remember to ensure enjoyment of the game as much as possible which means avoiding being unnecessarily strict when possible. Good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @dr. snortthisperc YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)2 points
If your referencing last night, which is one of the few conversations we’ve had, I only asked you if you have trouble ignoring people, which is relevant given the repeat issues you’ve had with players. Stating I asked if you have mental issues is blowing that statement out of proportion when I was simply trying to help you get better results with these reports. It seems like the goals of these posts you keep making is to get a reaction out of either staff or those players you have issues with. If you want actual results or to play the game without issue, I’d suggest either moving bases or not basing your entire gameplay around having a huge target team/base. With how you have your ‘clan’ and a consistent large base, it’s basically asking for players good and bad to interact with you, and more often than not it’s the bad players. Otherwise continue to make reports/tickets when these issues happen instead of compiling them into large reports, especially when your evidence of harassment or toxicity is lackluster. If you feel like a player is ruining your time without breaking any written rules (which 2 of them love to do) then you should be bringing it up with a Higher-Up only or a very fleshed out forums report.2 points
WARNING: I'M AN IDIOT AND DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH I freed up about 25gb worth of cache files, a majority of them being from GMOD my guess is (no idea what im talking about) is when you install and uninstall a ton of steam workshop mods, it leaves behind cache files, and iff you got 58,664 hours (@Jouaram_steam) or 3,040 hours like me, you most likely have a big ole dumpster of cache files you should get rid of!!2 points
https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jsQgui1IGEhxz-lAP?invite=cr-MSw1NEwsMTk5MzE1NzUxLA2 points
21:37:06 *DEAD* (OOC) reld: james i know you know that you know that i know thatyou're not loved in your household2 points
This is correct and i remember this warning, It was very close to when the mayor had died and a couple of police officers were still enforcing those older laws from before he had died. I explained to @EdiTz the situation and he was very apologetic and understanding!1 point
For weed grower specifically you can run the command /zwf_weedgrower you can also check out f1 for other job commands, or if you're feeling up to it you can press f4 & open the job menu.1 point
While this for the most part is true, you would be able to return after your NLR timer of three minutes is up if the raider is still in your base to try and defend it. Granted, not many raids will last that long, this definition of NLR isn't fully correct. From an RP perspective I totally understand, however our rules specifically say "Party members are able to defend their party members in every scenario", so you don't have to see it happen in order to party defend. Could you say this one louder for the people in the back? I think people tend to forget that this could happen lmao +1 to your staff application. You do have a few things slightly incorrect on your application, however these are very minor and the way you described them makes sense from an RP scenario. It's just not how it works on our server as we are a more casual DarkRP community so I would double check our rules going forward. You also do have an active warning as pointed out by Vetes. However, I am willing to also look past that (so long as nothing else comes about) as when I described what happened and why you were being warned (which you described exactly in your response to Vetes), you owned up to your mistakes and clearly learned from it as I have not seen this issue persist. This is a very good trait to have, being able to take criticism and learn from your mistakes to be better. Finally, I have had a few interactions with you and they have all been pleasant. You're just here to play the game and help people. I think you would make a good addition to the team.1 point
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question is "give an EXAMPLE of RDM" not "what does RDM stand for" again EXAMPLE, are you even reading the questions ? more detail on why would be nice. why though? why are you allowed to do so? more detail would be nice. oftah overall app is super rushed and dosnt support enough detail in you're answers this isnt a timed staff app you have all the time in the world to be detailed as possible in these question effort goes a long way! -11 point
just RDM? weird flex but ok. you are fully allowed to kill that player if he harms you're party member. im just here to see what i remember honestly so take what i say with a grain of salt, others have commented about your maturity level and that shows with being staff. -1 🙂1 point
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Glad you found Aether, interacted with you a few times already and definitely a great person. See you around1 point
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That's awesome Quigs, well you're fully welcomed and i hope you enjoy your time. You seem like a really cool person and are entertaining, i've been enjoying your presence on the server and have no thought of that changing. 🦽1 point
Based on your app, the feedback from others, and our previous conversations, I believe you have the potential to be an excellent staff member. +11 point
+1 seems like he could be a good fit. Just need to use your microphone more would be my suggestion1 point
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I Do apologize, previous servers i helped moderate had them seperate, as for the NLR situation I do see where the misunderstanding might be, though when I mentioned wanting to raid, I suppose I didn’t add anything extra to say they adverted. Which I do apologize on that part. what I was meaning to say is that he was wanting to raid the pd, and in doing so died during the raid.1 point
I haven't had many interactions with you in-game, and the ones I have had mostly end in you running away with my money... You seem like a nice guy that could do well as staff and I see nothing wrong with your app that would bar you being accepted. I look forward to seeing if you get the seal of approval from the brass. +11 point
The only interaction I can remember having with you was last night, but it was a positive one; you seem to have a funny personality and can add humor to the game which is always nice. As for your application, it's fairly solid. As Monika pointed out, "Revenge RDM" isn't a thing, it just falls under the category of RDM. Also: I think there's potential misunderstanding here, if a player wants to raid but hasn't adverted yet, they can return so long as they don't interact with the people that caused their death (so long it was a valid death). However, if they adverted and died then they would have to wait both the 3 minute NLR cooldown and the 30 minute raid cooldown. Overall, I'm on the edge of saying +1, but for now I'm going to say +0.5 if that's even a thing. Be sure to re-read the rules regarding NLR/raiding as I think there may be a misunderstanding. I'd also like to see more interactions with you in game. Changing my opinion to +1. After some further interactions with you in game, you seem like a fun and kind person and I think you have a suitable attitude in general to be a staff member. Good luck!1 point
+1 Only issue I clearly see with your application is the use of the phrase Revenge RDM. We don't have a separate classification for that. It's just RDM in every sense. Your examples aren't wrong, just the title really. Also the NLR example being a bit off but Vetes explained that pretty clearly. Other than that, app looks good, playtime is there so long as you remain active. You're a nice person to be around as well.1 point
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I have not seen you around but this is an amazing application one of the best i have seen. I cant make a decision based off your application i have to make that off your in game activity so i will stay neutral for now good luck tho seems like you have a good chance tho. +/-1 point
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