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Just Monika

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Just Monika last won the day on May 5

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About Just Monika

  • Birthday July 17

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  1. Oh hey it's the tunnel rat base guy lol James basically said the major issue I wanted to point out. We want players to stay on the server. We want to feel like a welcoming community. But we all fuck up from time to time. Situations arise and you have got to be 100% certain before handing out punishments before just pulling the trigger. Our rules and guidelines will give you the information needed on how to proceed with a player who is just MRDMing. Aside from that, I've talked with you a few times and you seem to always be listening to advice given from other players and staff. I personally have had no issues with you and you are a very open minded person from our few talks. Take James advice from the end of his decision and I think you'd do fine. +1
  2. Wish more people had this mindset. Anyways, minus the issue that Zenie pointed out, I haven't interacted with you too much in game. But your app looks good. No real issues I have seen, plus having active staff in the late nights when most of us are AFK/asleep for work/busy with real life is always needed, so why not? +1
  3. +1 off of roses alone. A very important flower in my family. I wanna get a Rose tattoo one of these days so amazing choice
  4. What's the best kinda flower tho? That'll determine my stance on your totally legit app...
  5. I haven't had too many problems with you. You've been engaged with the community, you've helped me out a few times by calling out problems players with evidence when I was busy with other stuff, and you didn't get any sort of warns since last time. Long as you're ready to take staffing serious, sure +1 why not.
  6. Massive +1 Honestly the server wouldn't be the same without you. You are not just known as "the guy who hosts events". You are an amazing staff, amazing mentor, and a great friend for the times we have interacted on and off the server. Having you gone just, would lose some of the heart of the community. We all make mistakes and fucked up judgement calls, and I speak for everyone when I say we want you back.
  7. I mean I have been shitposting in the Discord here and there, but my LOA is up. BF went home (sad), and I hate traffic. Glad to be back to causing chaos!
  8. Good luck with schooling mate! We'll await your return with open arms.
  9. Hello everyone! Just sharing that I am gonna be taking a leave of absence for the next 11 days, and the rest of this weekend I gotta prep for his arrival and sort out some IRL shit. My partner is coming down to visit me for a week, and I want to spend as much time with him as I possibly can. Only like, three of you guys will probably care, but I will be back! Love you all ❤️
  10. I should win the giveaway because if I lost I'd be hoppin' mad! Happy Easter to all ❤️
  11. Key word there was "ex-cripple". My mother broke her ankle and I still pick on her for it lmao
  12. My guy I have told you several times to not be on the forums while in class lol. Regardless I know school can be rough sometimes. Focus up and come back so I can make fun of an ex-cripple.
  13. Nah you trippin' this a new player
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