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Sanzu Gikai

Aether Member
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Everything posted by Sanzu Gikai

  1. Not the same name, i change it often, and i've seen some horrendous shit, jimjob would be a candidate for owner if you get accepted.
  2. -1 incredibly racist in other servers
  3. Yeah, its about time i leave. This community is one of the most heartwarming groups of people i have ever met, the server had came to a grinding halt just because I was quitting, and it does so for anyone, it really shows that they dont value everyone but they value every single individual for who they are, Multiple staff had pulled me away to ask and give me support just in a private sense, the staff, members, and server as a whole became my safehaven from an abusive family honestly, but i believe its my time to actually face the real world for once. I know this giant ass paragraph is 'cringe' but I'd prefer being cringe and honest then just never giving anyone a flat answer. Im leaving for a few reasons, a huge one is my mental and physical health, long story short around the begining of covid, something had happened that led me down years of dark paths and painful experiences, and it was sorta like a cycle, My mental health was rapidly degrading and quitting gmod is a massive bout of time I can invest into myself to help myself, my physical health is I was born with heart defects that shorten my lifespan, Im not saying im gonna die at 20 but Im never making it to 60, so i wanna live my life to the fullest extent! My second reason isnt as important, but I just sorta, suck at video games, like, all of them. I was never a good builder or any good at PVP, I wasnt good at planning or anything of the sorts, Even in other games, I suck at FPS, Survival, and even story games The server as a whole, the community, and everyone becomes so supportive of this desicion, and I wouldnt mind hopping on other games when I have free time with you guys, But for know, I'll see you all later [ps dont anyone else quit, i saw that post lux ima miss u]
  4. I should totally win because im being a good noodle
  5. I should totally win because I personally have never gotten warned [dont look pls] I like how legit no one reports rulebreakers unless they're annoying.
  6. I should win because I have a heart disorder, where it makes me obsessed with you ❤️
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