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Everything posted by Ballsack

  1. Love this Jerome is an opp for thinking he could steal from the one and only.
  2. stoppppp ittttt making me blushhhhhh i know you’re talking about me sugarplum ☺️
  3. I have no idea who you are only seen you the last couple days but you’ve got some previous play time hang around a bit more let people get to know you some and kinda build your reputation.
  4. I should win because I have thirty thousand hours on gmod. I enjoy rdming on the server Lined all these people up from spawn and then Lonestar rdmed them still enjoyed it.
  5. I should win cause i have 30,000 hrs on gmod lol
  6. Sad to see you go, Madi is by far the nicest player ive met on aether if not ever. ive had nothing but good experiences with you and i wish you well in every way wherever you may go❤️Feel free to reach out if u ever need to talk. Thank you for all that youve done.
  7. Ballsack

    Im hacking.

    Im hacking. Seriously https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/935931140290781194/1009176460482838548/1660686920-medaltvgarrysmod20220816145210.mov
  8. Good few tries cause we were all seeing it from different angles lol
  9. Bring back the boosts for ab cause i like it
  10. +1 was good staff when he was staff and hes a cool ass mf
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