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Everything posted by Kutakazi_

  1. Can confirm that Kangaroos are the main form of transportation.
  2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit; Sed tempor nulla consequat imperdiet pharetra; Suspendisse orci justo, tincidunt quis ullamcorper a, consectetur at magna; Integer ac tristique magna; Aliquam porta quam bibendum, hendrerit metus vel, ultricies nisi; Etiam elementum porttitor leo vitae pharetra; Donec eu dignissim arcu, vitae convallis dolor; Vivamus sit amet ullamcorper augue; Ut et iaculis erat; Duis sagittis ante ut pulvinar tristique; Nullam mollis libero nec tortor efficitur egestas; Duis eu nibh aliquet, facilisis elit ut, viverra mi; Suspendisse sit amet felis sapien; Nullam rutrum lorem imperdiet, mollis sem pharetra, semper ipsum; Vestibulum purus ipsum, semper at faucibus nec, lobortis commodo enim; Aliquam tincidunt turpis vel velit faucibus blandit; Ut laoreet neque non interdum tincidunt; Sed sagittis posuere nisl, at auctor nibh tristique volutpat; Aliquam tempus turpis ac lorem dapibus rutrum; Nullam condimentum at diam nec sagittis; Quisque feugiat feugiat orci non maximus; Mauris non urna consectetur, consectetur sapien ac, tincidunt massa; Vestibulum pellentesque dui felis, nec bibendum nibh facilisis venenatis; Fusce a aliquam diam; Nulla volutpat dolor felis, et accumsan nisi maximus a; In risus ligula, mattis eu sodales varius, ornare non nibh. In dapibus dapibus urna at pretium; In congue ipsum quis mi lobortis, at condimentum quam dignissim; Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec id tortor eu est laoreet porttitor id at libero; Maecenas et nisl mollis, sollicitudin mauris vitae, pellentesque sapien; Praesent quis scelerisque felis; Morbi et iaculis justo, sit amet venenatis turpis; Ut vulputate eros at justo dapibus, vitae iaculis massa vehicula; Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus; Pellentesque ut erat sit amet magna ullamcorper tincidunt; Suspendisse non facilisis est; Nunc maximus velit pretium sem aliquet volutpat; Aliquam erat volutpat; Donec sagittis consectetur mollis; Morbi sodales fermentum metus vel consequat; In vulputate porta nunc non fermentum; Pellentesque eget rutrum odio; Maecenas tincidunt volutpat urna at varius; Aliquam nunc lacus; imperdiet quis nulla sed, cursus varius ligula; Nullam odio massa, mattis in hendrerit ut, malesuada eu tortor; Nam condimentum commodo ipsum a auctor; Quisque laoreet vitae leo nec efficitur; Nam sollicitudin pharetra augue, id finibus turpis aliquam vel; Nulla porttitor auctor luctus; Curabitur at magna nec leo pretium convallis nec et libero; Nulla tellus velit, tempor sit amet laoreet nec, mollis sed arcu; Cras egestas erat elit, in egestas metus semper ut; Duis sit amet gravida sapien, vitae ultricies nisi; Cras elementum dolor metus, sed placerat ex condimentum eget; Pellentesque porttitor luctus mauris dictum cursus; Aliquam dapibus turpis eu enim elementum, sed varius mi vehicula; Duis tellus urna, tristique malesuada est non, vulputate facilisis sem; In ac ante feugiat, venenatis enim et, congue ipsum; Ut elementum, sapien ac aliquet ullamcorper, diam ex volutpat est, vel consectetur sem urna ac lorem; Donec accumsan efficitur scelerisque; Vestibulum interdum viverra libero eu gravida; Quisque venenatis sapien eget lorem vehicula, nec pretium mi vehicula; Curabitur ut volutpat dolor; Nulla a consectetur nisi; Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus; Curabitur at.
  3. Many grammar mistakes. Informal language used. 6.5/10 Extremely cool dude to base with. +2(HAHAHA NO +1 FOR YOU)
  4. I personally only like basing in my own bases. Thanks for the offer!
  5. That Tim man seems kinda sus.
  6. AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name: Kutakazi Age: 18 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:218875193 Discord Tag: Kutakazi#9888 Total Playtime: 6d 5h (At the time of writing) Timezone: GMT+10/11 (AU) Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Kutakazi/ Times you're most active: Normally 4 pm - 8 pm, GMT +10/11. Currently unpredictable. General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: As I am in a differing timezone from most players on this server, I can handle situations that normally won't have many people on to handle. I go into staff situations with the mindset that the respondent is ALWAYS innocent until proven guilty. If there is no evidence either from logs or from video/screenshot proof, I do not give any form of punishment. If the players in the staff situation are just arguing back and forth with no evidence, I will explain that I am unable to act until evidence is received. I am lenient to players who are cooperative in a staff situation. If they understand that they have done something wrong, and are willing to own up about their action, they will be met with lenient punishments if allowed. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes, I am confident that I fully understand and is competent in enforcing the rules. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: I am willing to listen to any feedback to improve myself as a staff member, and as a person in general. Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week?: I am certain I will have the ability to staff for several hours a week. DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: Raids can last 10 minutes from raid initiation.. What initiates a raid?: A raid is initiated by an advert or the first attempt at any type of breach. If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: You are unable to kill the base owner without adverting that you are raiding. Once you have adverted a raid, you can kill the base owner if they are within interfering distance. List all default Laws of The Land: The default laws of the land are: raiding, theft and kidnapping are illegal; inflicting harm onto others is illegal unless in self-defence; printers, large bitcoin racks, drugs and explosives are illegal; shooting in public is illegal; any KOS/AOS need a 10-second warning before enforcing; laws must be enforced with AOS unless the officer’s life is in danger. How many bases can you own per party?: A party can only own one base. A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: As there are multiple different ways a player can refuse to cooperate in a staff situation, I am only going to explain a few. However, after warning to cooperate they continue to be uncooperative, their punishment will not be met with any leniency or if allowed, a harsher punishment. If the player is mic spamming or chat spamming: They will be warned to stop. If they continue, they will be gagged/muted. Possible additional punishment added. If the player is kill binding/running away from the sit: They will be warned to stop. If they continue, they will be brought and frozen. Possible additional punishment added. If the player harms another player of staff in the sit: They will be frozen, with additional punishment added. (A/RDM in Sit) Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: You can punish a player for intentionally ruining another player’s time, even if they say it is out of fun. This is extremely similar to the argument of ‘if a joke isn’t funny, is it still a joke?’ If the other player makes a sit about the instigator, and it is found that the instigator did not break any rules, then I will warn the instigator that continuing to ruin the other player’s time may result in a harassment punishment. However, if the instigator has a previous history of ruining others time for their own enjoyment, they will be punished instead of warned. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: Deleting/moving props from base to raid. This situation is clearly intentional from the staff member abusing their powers. I would confront them, and send evidence to higher-ups. If they continue to abuse their power even after confronting them, I would just collect and send evidence to higher-ups to handle. A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: If a player is excessively RDMing, they will be frozen to stop them from continuing to affect other players. I will teleport the player into a staff sit and ask for their reason and explain why they can not RDM. I am of the opinion that everyone should be given a chance to learn from their mistakes, even if they do not want to. I will then check the amount killed or if they had intended to kill more (which if they are excessively RDMing, will be the case) and punish accordingly, checking and adding punishment if they have a previous punishment/s. A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: I will resolve this by teleporting the mayor into a sit, explaining that a reason is needed to have a lockdown, and is currently required to disable the lockdown. If they do not agree I would demote the player from the mayor job. Extra Comments: I have half a year of staffing experience on Gmod, however, this experience will not translate directly between servers. I am open to any criticism and suggestions on this application, while I am in a staff position and even if I am not accepted into a staff position. On the forums, I usually abstain from posting my opinion, as I fear my opinion may be incorrect or my affect another user's opinion. I love reading ban appeals for some odd reason. I don't know why.
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