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The reason I'm "inactive" / my story.


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Hello, since charles brought this up, I'll just let you all know. 

Why I'm "Inactive" sure, I don't need to tell you guys but here it goes anyways 😉

I'm "inactive" because I have to feed my family at 18, with 2 jobs. 

No, I dont have any parents besides my grandmother, who is 84.
My mother passed away 2 years ago.
My grandpa around 2 months ago. 
Even when they both where a live, I still had to do little jobs like mowing lawns etc, just to keep lights on.
I pretty much eat scraps, just so my sister can eat a bit more then me. I wrecked my only source to go to work in around 2 weeks ago, I flipped my truck, boom 
Almost died. I am now jsut trying to save up for a new one, but guess what, I cant be on aether and making money at the same time, my bills are around $3600 a month, I work at a ranch, around 5:30am to 8am, and at sonic, from various hours, I go to school on tuesdays and thursdays for welding, I also work longer on mondays wednesdays and fridays. 
I literally put in so much work, and then I just try to get on for aether, but sometimes I'm just fucking tired and want to sleep, so please dont call me inactive whenever i have so much shit going on in my life.
I try my hardest just to get on, you guys just blander me for not being "active" I'm sorry that I'm not 14, and have parents who have jobs, I'm sorry that I cant be on for 8 hours of the day, when I'm trying to support myself and 2 other people. So please, just stop being fucking dickheads and leave my activity out of arguments. You guys also mention my intelligence to staffing? I'm sorry if you think dildozer is being for real, but hes fucking around, and joking with me. A lot of you think I don't know what I'm doing. How do you even think I got admin? I've been here for almost a year, cmon. Sure, I make fuckups, like today I brought everyone because I forgot * means everyone. But seriously, some of you have mental health issues, and it bothers me. smh. 

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You don't owe anyone an explanation, IRL comes first, do what you gotta do and come back when you're ready man. 

No matter how active you are, the second you aren't there to hold someone's hand in-game and deal with the petty sits some of them call, they will consider you inactive and toss hate. Just don't take them seriously.

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i’ve never had to do what you do to the extent you’re doing it so i won’t pretend i know what you’re going through, but i know how you feel and i’ve been in a position where money is all that mattered & i had to drop everything to pay the bills. it’s hard on you. i hope you reach the place where you aren’t constantly pushing yourself too hard soon. people who talk shit on you for not being here are coming from a place of ignorance and privilege. best of luck dude

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Feel free to reach out to me privately if your activity continues to be brought up in conversations. 

As others have stated, you do not owe anyone an explanation here but I certainly appreciate you letting us know. While I know you're not resigning, I do wish you the best and am rooting for you and your family. You're young and stepping up to the plate for your family in ways that many are unable to do; an incredible display of maturity. Keep your head up, things will get better. Make sure you do whatever it is you have to do to get that welding degree done. That's your future and will allow things to improve significantly. 

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