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    • You MUST maintain a healthy activity level In-Game, on Forums and in Discord when applying for staff. You MUST have at least 24 hours / 1 days play time on the server you are applying for. You MUST be at least 15 years of age unless given permission to apply by a higher up.  During the Trial-Mod phase you will be given assistance by all staff members, your trial moderator period can last up to 2 weeks. Your application will be responded to when a decision has been made, usually this takes 7 days but some applications may take more or less time. You MUST fill out the template correctly or else your application will be DENIED. Lying in your application will prove to us that you are untrustworthy, if found out you will be DENIED. If you are found advertising your application it will be DENIED. Talking about your application prior to posting it is okay to get help but talking about it/advertising it after it's been posted will result in an instant denial. Be patient.  If you are found plagiarizing your application it will be DENIED and you will be added to a Staff Blacklist. If you are DENIED you may NOT post another application until 1 Week after the denial post. Copy Template Below The Lines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): [NAMES] Age: [AGE] 15 Steam ID: [https://steamid.io/]STEAM_0:1:807226698 Discord Tag: [DISCORD TAG] idkmanidk_81419 Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): [!time in-game] >Your total time is 1d 13h 21m. Timezone: [TIMEZONE] GMT Steam Profile: [STEAM PROFILE LINK] https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199574719125/ Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): [TIMES - SPECIFY AM/PM] 2pm-9pm  General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: i can contribute by giving my best to everything that gets thrown at me and try new challenges i also thing i can contribute well as i was admin in another server called Refined Rp for like 2 months so i think ill know my way around pretty easily Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: yes i know them really well Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?:  yes i am Are you certain you will be able to staff consistently every week whilst holding this position?: yes every week DarkRP Rule Questions Give an example of RDM: When another member is doing nothing to harm you or anything to you like raiding shooting killing etc and you shoot them  Give an example of NLR:   No Life Rule is when you get killed and are not allowed back to the place you died this is shown on the right of your screen when active and not active an example is base raiding when you /advert raid and get killed in that base you are not allowed back there till NLR is disabled. How many entrances does your base need?: you can have 1 entrance What sign would a player place on their base to avoid being raided whilst having no raidables?: have a 2d textscreen which is visible saying building  If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: You are not allowed to take it in to your own hands this would be an admin situation call admin/mod by doing @ rdm If your party member gets damaged are you allowed to kill the attacker?: yes as they are in your party or even gang but make sure when you kill them say your in the same pary so you dont get reported Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers: power tripping during a sit because they like it or if their friend is online and you take your friends sit some people and most likely gonna take your friends side  Extra Comments:I HOPE TO BE MOD i have over 2 month experience being mod on another server if that help with anything
    • -1 As Tango has mentioned, you have answered some of the questions incorrectly which shows a misunderstanding of the rules. I'd be willing to change my opinion to +/- if you update your answers, and be sure you also re-read the rules. I'd also like to interact with you in game more so I can get a understanding of your personality before making a final opinion on your application. Good luck!
    • Not quite.   There is no clause for "Good Reason".  I didn't find any warns as mentioned by @Chickpeas, due to lack of knowledge of rules, plus I don't recall seeing you on the server -1
    • -1 rep got a lot of warns for rdm before
    • AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): [Rodrick Harrison] Age: [24] Steam ID: [STEAM_0:0:633251938] Discord Tag: [lee260524] Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): [2 Days] Timezone: [GMT] Steam Profile: [STEAM PROFILE LINK] Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): [GMT- Monday to Sunday 6pm - 3/5am] General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: Just bring a friendly smile help people have a chilled and relaxed experience. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes, If I have any further questions I wont hesitate to ask. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Yes 100%, everyone has advice and good knowledge. Are you certain you will be able to staff consistently every week whilst holding this position?: Yes, easily due to having past experience of opening my own server a few years ago. DarkRP Rule Questions Give an example of RDM: Random Death Match- This is when someone 'usually' new people come into the server and causes death to one or multiple people for no reason. Give an example of NLR: New Life Rule- This is when someone has been killed when being Raided/Mugged/Kidnapped and has returned to the death location within the NLR Timer How many entrances does your base need?: 1 main entrance with 3 key padded doors and 3 button doors What sign would a player place on their base to avoid being raided whilst having no raidables?: RP Base/ Building If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No... Call an admin and someone will help If your party member gets damaged are you allowed to kill the attacker?: Yes, but within good enough reasons  Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers: Any admin power is considered abusing within RP unless its needed Extra Comments: 
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