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AV Madi Raven

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Everything posted by AV Madi Raven

  1. Dont remind us lol. They surround us in Michigan I swear. I got no issues with you as a player. I know night staff are very much needed so that would be a great spot for you to cover. Only jobs that say "Can steal" in the description are allowed to steal raidables if they do not need to use raid tools or advert. Make sure you check out the staff handbook while you wait on votes. Good luck +1
  2. #waxismilk #downwithbigmilk #theyliedtous #itsnotaconspiracy STAND WITH US TO UNMASK THE FACADE THEY SPUN TO US FOR SO LONG!
  3. When @NotYourMomsPancakesI believe it was, went invisible and haunted some friends and I as a demon. We retreated to the church and tried to dispell the demon while he blocked us in with baby walls and flickering lights. My voice was shot for screaming "THE DEMON IS HERE! BEGONE DEMON!" so much it was so much fun and I clipped a good ammount of it.
  4. 1 bouncy ball Jouaram dropped to me in admin land from over a year ago
  5. Exactly a bill? Thats insanely lucky if not planned
  6. +1 nothing negative, just a chill dude whos fun to be around.
  7. Factual, smells like stale pizza crust and peppercorns
  8. Operation Dog Bone. Mission: keep giving Woogle random stuff to fill inventory and money.
  9. I dont even need to reply since I get updates from you when possible and always tell you the same stuff. That I am so proud to have you in my life (even as a stupid cousin) and that you are one of the strongest people I know.. but that I will always support you (even though you hate pickles). You are like me in the way of finding humor in the darkness. I love you dearly and you will always be my priority.
  10. Dont make me come on and give u a bunch of permas
  11. Fr! Zenie didnt stand a chance!
  12. Whos the dumbass bird in the shop?
  13. Fuck outa here with ya clips. Got me sayin "UWU" so many times
  14. Our blackmarket trading we have alone tells me you are a great person to work around... Same comments as last time, the only thing that changed is positive stuff so. +1
  15. Update: just tried this. Its pretty good..
  16. 🎵O-o-phelia🎵 Now that song is stuck in my head. Glad ur back
  17. Easy +1 for Puppy. Great interactions and great person to have around.
  18. I just want the role tbh, just like customizing as a whole. Here's Emiy and I in our ranshackled house we bought off craigslist
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