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Everything posted by thog

  1. I should win because I make really good ham sandwiches (I've eaten about 2 and a half and I'm about to eat more)
  2. Look, all I'm saying is getting a degree that will earn a high-paying career is worth it in the long run. You genuinely do not want to be stuck job hopping on the minimum wage scale or be stuck in shitty jobs like security, retail, etc etc. If you're fine with making nothing of yourself, sure, but most of the money is in jobs that require degrees. Hell, if you go for a computer science degree, you could code a better server than Jouaram could and make hella in donations like he does, or even make whole games / specialized applications that medical fields pay a lot for. I regret not having gone to college earlier because I could be better off and not living paycheck-to-paycheck, and I far more regret not paying attention in school because it really did stunt my ability for financial aid and getting into universities. You may read this now at whatever dumb teenager year you're at, but mark my words, when it comes down to it, you'll regret choosing GMOD over your future
  3. Jouaram need to ban all y'all if y'all can't keep your fucking grades up LOL
  4. Adult you will wonder why you wasted your teenage years and did shit in school bc you wanted to play gmod so badly. I know I do LOL, trying to get into colleges with my grades are a bitch
  5. i dont know what this means at all but everyone like this post
  6. I quit before it was cool JK stay safe tho!!
  7. Wher e is my money Jouaram do I need to bust your kneecaps buddy boy pal
  8. Hey whats going on gamers its me thog startin 2 return faster than the speed of light on aethernetwork.gg garrys mod darkrp and I declare that I will have Jouarams position by end of 2025 Hope to see all of u questionable yet fun creatures on the server 🚬
  9. thog

    Staff Tier List

    i puit m yself in s
  10. I should win because I appear in game once every six months
  11. i should win because i like gambling and this is just one of those things i want to gamble for absolutely no reason i love aether because it fufils my gambling addiction and the gameplay is fun too
  12. thog


    op is a shitposter. mods ban him
  13. Good luck, homie. I think you're making the right move, coz as someone who was just like you, playing Garry's Mod nonstop (believe me, nearly 13k hours of playtime) accumulated throughout my teenage years, I can safely say now that I'd much rather have grown some balls and gone out more
  14. Nah, this is some real shit. Self-deprecation is very normalized in today's society and not a lot of people realize how it very much mentally fucks with the mind when you're constantly dwelling in it. Know your worth broski, and don't stop making your worth known. Focus on your positives and work on making your negatives into something positive
  15. +1, good app and a good fella 🙂 don't you have negative interactions with half, if not, most of the server
  16. Jouaram is Brritish, he had crucification coming
  17. Naw. This ain't even a joke. I don't even build on the server just for this reason
  18. might just be the horny speaking but @Jouaramtbh
  19. Thog should win because he's really awesome and likes the custom discord rank. Not that thog caares or anything.
  20. I'm everyone's favorite ex-staff member.
  21. You should definitely apply when the community knows you more. Four hours isn’t enough for someone totally new to show people who they really are and if the community were to accept you at this stage, we still wouldn’t know who you’d end up being at the end of the day. Answers really need tweaking. Read up on the handbooks and rules to really get an understanding how things work. I hope things work out when you have more of a presence! -1
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