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Yousetoffmytraps staff app

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 Yousetoffmytrap's Staff Application

DarkRP General Questions

  • How can you contribute to Aether?:I think I can contribute to aether by trying my best to answer tickets correctly and timely when players make them. Handling sits responsibly and with my best judgement. Answering questions and concerns that players may have. I also will try my best to make players feel welcomed and invited into this community.
  • Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible? (Yes/No)Half of them
  • Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to? (Yes/No):  Yes only if they are the owner
  • Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week? (Yes/No)No

DarkRP Rule Questions

  • Raids can last how long?:From the time raid is adverted the raiders have 10 minutes to complete the raid.
  • What initiates a raid?:/raid or /pd raid, depending on if the pd is being raided or if you are just raiding a base
  • If the owner of the base is standing outside as you're about to raid, can you kill them?:Yes if they are standing close enough where they can interfere with the raid. 
  • List 3 default Laws of The Land: Shooting in public is illegal, Murder is illegal, and Threats are illegal.
  • How many bases can you own per party?:1
  • A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?:Verbally warn them to cooperate and if that does not work I would make their punishment harsher than originally intended.
  • You see another staff member abusing their power (Give an example of a staff abusing and how you would handle it/who you would contact):If I see a staff member abusing their power I would record the last 20 minutes with shadow play then start recording. I would then message Jouaram on discord with evidence of the abuse. Examples of staff abuse include but are not limited to. Using Noclip to go inside a base and steal money from printers, using god mode during a raid, and teleporting other players inside someone's base.
  • A player is excessively RDMing/RDAing and breaking NLR (What is RDM/RDA and NLR? How do you determine if a player is breaking any of these?):RDM Random Death Match Killing someone without a valid rp reason. I can determine if it was rdm or not by checking if they shot at someone first, checking if they were killed for a hit, and checking if they were warned to stop following someone. RDA Random Arrest is arresting someone without a valid rp reason. I can determine if it was rda or not by checking damage logs to see if they killed someone nearby and checking if they were wanted. NLR New Life Rule is a rule stating that when you are killed you can not go back to that location for 3 minutes and the rp scenario that you and whoever killed you were in ends, there are 2 exceptions to this rule, 1 You can come back to where you were killed if you are 100% sure that you were rdmed, 2 If you were killed in a raid you can come back after 3 minutes and continue defending your base, I can determine if nlr was broken by checking the locations of the player being accused of breaking nlr.

Extra Comments:Let me skip and be vet admin 
Joke btw

Edited by yousetoffmytrap
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  • 2 weeks later...


My response to this staff app is a -1.

I will explain why. 
Every encounter I had with you has been awful. Every time I encounter you I always either get pulled into a sit or rdmd. You are the most toxic person on this entire server I don’t ever think you deserve staff. After you dmed me someone’s school and address with full name that was the last straw. What is wrong with you. You are the worst human being to ever live on this planet. I hate you so much I can’t even start. I have no idea why you are applying for staff when you have over 30+ warns and the entire community hates you. You have one of the worst personalities a human can have and I really do wonder if you have a heart made out of fire. I cannot imagine you having a successful life with a beautiful family, wife, and kids. You will live to be 69 years old living in a apartment in your home town that you have not left since ur last family vacation with ur mom and dad in 2016. This is why this community is so rotten and toxic. Because you are the heart of it and I cannot believe why the community is still allowing you to say here. I really wonder why the staff haven’t perm banned you. I never want too see you again. I seriously wish I never see you in real life because I don’t think I will be able to hold back for just smacking you in the face then calling a admin for rdm. I bet you are a 5’4 180 pound grease sausage that goes to Walmart to shop with ur mom after playing nazi rp all day and committing war crimes and saying the 50th racist joke of the day. 
I despise you, snake.

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20 hours ago, realobamagaming420 said:


My response to this staff app is a -1.

I will explain why. 
Every encounter I had with you has been awful. Every time I encounter you I always either get pulled into a sit or rdmd. You are the most toxic person on this entire server I don’t ever think you deserve staff. After you dmed me someone’s school and address with full name that was the last straw. What is wrong with you. You are the worst human being to ever live on this planet. I hate you so much I can’t even start. I have no idea why you are applying for staff when you have over 30+ warns and the entire community hates you. You have one of the worst personalities a human can have and I really do wonder if you have a heart made out of fire. I cannot imagine you having a successful life with a beautiful family, wife, and kids. You will live to be 69 years old living in a apartment in your home town that you have not left since ur last family vacation with ur mom and dad in 2016. This is why this community is so rotten and toxic. Because you are the heart of it and I cannot believe why the community is still allowing you to say here. I really wonder why the staff haven’t perm banned you. I never want too see you again. I seriously wish I never see you in real life because I don’t think I will be able to hold back for just smacking you in the face then calling a admin for rdm. I bet you are a 5’4 180 pound grease sausage that goes to Walmart to shop with ur mom after playing nazi rp all day and committing war crimes and saying the 50th racist joke of the day. 
I despise you, snake.

😢 @Jouaram why did you like this 😭 😭 😭 😭

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