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Everything posted by Tremor

  1. I have basically played with you since I ever even started aether before my staffing days just grinding bitcoin together. You will absolutely allways be a genuine friend to me and I genuinely hope we stay in touch and talk. I know sooner or later you will come back when the time is right and I will be here for it. I am glad your able to focus on the IRL stuff and this can get a little weight off your shoulders, love ya man and hope to see you again soon.
  2. I think you would do a fantastic job as staff with your history and reputation on the server, take it seriously, listen to other staff and I think you will do exceedingly well. +1
  3. You can return after NLR is up, you just can't raid again until the raid timer is up. Your answer to this one was a bit odd to be, you should be listening to all staff around you especially when they are trying to help, if you ever get the sense a staff member could be doing something that would be considered them being corrupt you should report it to higher ups immediately This is not an issue about confusion and more of an issue that revenge RDM is still considered RDM Someone intentionally go out of there way to ruin someone else's time is always against the rules and could be considered NITRP or harassment depending on the case Any time anyone RDM's 3 or more people it would be an immediate 3 day ban if it is on the first time but you are on the right track The times and punishments for this are outlined in the publicly available staff handbook but if it is the players first warning they would just receive a written warning Additional Comments: Your staff application is pretty well done but could definitely use some work in the above noted areas, My only main critique for you is I have not interacted with you in game or interacted with you when you have been on, make sure to RP around a bit and interact with the community to help yourself become known to the community, this can also be done by being active on the forums or on discord. -/+
  4. Though I did it quietly I learned so much from you, you showed me a lot of how to staff more then you will ever know, you were always super knowledgeable and such an amazing level headed person that I will always be greatfull ❤️ I hope you come back soon 😞
  5. These are genuinely amazing, your a super talented dude and your builds always make me happy to see. keep it up 🙂
  6. Madi, You are an absolutely fantastic friend and have been nothing but supportive and welcoming to new staff. You really had no issues in your last running as staff besides very heavy gaps of inactivity from sit taking. The only thing I do have concern about is that you are re ranking for the right reasons. The staff team is great to have fun with and have game nights and have as an overall friend group but at the same time that should not be the main reason you are pushing for staff. I do hope you have drive for actual sit taking as well, not that you didn’t before but that did seem towards the end of your last go around you were less interested in the not as fun parts of staffing like sit taking. In regards to your skill I have absolutely zero doubt you will have any issue conducting your duty’s as you did before.
  7. Jerma, you were solid staff when you resigned and I see no major issue with Re Ranking to moderator. I am still a little concerned with your playtime as soon as you came back you went to apply which is not always the best as we like to see consistent playtime before applications or reranks so we know it's not a risk of happening when you do become mod. I decided to wait a a week before responding to ensure you have kept your play time consistent which I am happy to see you have. Make sure to keep your activity consistent and feel free to reach out if you have questions about any staffing related changed since you have been gone. +1
  8. I really agree with thicc in the fact there are a lot of the issues with your application as he pointed out, they are not alarmingly wrong answers but definitely still need some work, I strongly advise you to read through not only the rules but the publicly available staff handbook to get an idea on what the correct approach to some of the questions involved would be, especially some of the hypothetical situations. Though, what really counters this sub par application is the fact you are incredibly chill person to interact with and always very polite in sits as well as bringing an overall very positive attitude towards nearly every interaction I have witnessed you be involved in. I think as long as you study the above pointed out issues you will do fine. +1
  9. happy trails and I hope to see ya around mr bob
  10. Your strong understanding on the rules is pretty clearly observable and you come of as pretty knowledgeable about them. You are generally pretty active and a long time server member and part of the community. The points brought up about your previous demotion are valid ones, though over the passed few months being around you and talking with you heavily I have not seen anything resembling troublesome behavior. I think if you can keep your cool at all times and listen to others you shouldn’t have any problems. +1
  11. Wonder what could be there, very interesting 🧐 merry Christmas y’all 🙂
  12. I should win because I like this video game :0
  13. I can't attest to your staffing capabilities but I think you are a very active aether player and don't cause issues that I have observed, however how others have brought up I believe using a mic helps when staffing a lot as it takes much longer to communicate which causes much longer sits, and even occasional players who full on ignore chat though it is not technically required it can be very useful. I see no issue with you joining staff again, but try to make sure activity is applied to in game as well as the rest of the community like the forums and discord. +1
  14. @NotYourMomsPancakes car update please
  15. POV: you are banan POV: I am sad that u left 😞 plz come back soon
  16. After some additional interaction with you and working with you in sits especially today I think it is clear you have good intentions, you warns were a little concerning at first but I am happy to see you have not accumulated any since then, I think you deserve a shot at staffing +1
  17. You have always been nice in game and I have never had a problem with you, the only thing holding me up is your very recent warnings. These warns are far too recent for me to comfortably +1 this, make sure you are following all the in game rules when applying for staff to try to avoid receiving warns. -1
  18. Happy trails and the best of luck my friend 🙂
  19. You have been very calm and collected when we talk or are in sits, you have a great amount of playtime and proven by your age and how you act you are always very mature. This coupled with a very good application +1
  20. shoulde prolly winn beecasue: Cat? I'm a kitty cat And I meow, meow, meow and I meow, meow, meow Cat! I'm a kitty cat! And I dance, dance, dance, da-da-dance, dance, dance Cat?! I'm a kitty cat! And I dance, dance, dance and I dance, dance, dance
  21. Thank you Paco, very cool
  22. Definitely a super chill guy to interact with, super active in game and have had nothing but great interactions with you. +1
  23. You have overall good playtime, great community interaction and a very well done and thorough application. +1
  24. Last time you went inactive and you have only been back for a short period but you have been active and you didn’t cause any issues when you were previously staff. +1
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