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Paul Bucco Staff App

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AetherNetwork Staff Application

General Questions

  • How can you contribute to Aether?: Playing Gmod for so long, I understand that people keep playing this game because they have an attachment to it. Growing up, I didn't have a lot of games, almost none. Gmod has always been the game I woke up to and played every morning. I feel that I have the experience of knowing how the game works. I know the risks of servers crashing, how to engage with the communities within, and how to spread fun to other players. I feel that you need a person who can spread positive energy when playing or else the game feels like a game, not an experience. 
  • Have you read the rules fully, understand, and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?:  Yes, I have fully read the rules and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly and fair as possible.
  • Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?:  Yes, I am willing to listen and cooperate with any staff member guiding me/training me/leading me even if I have an opposite opinion.
  • Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish 15 sits each week?:  Yes, I am completely certain I can staff 5 hours a week and finish 15 sits each week.

DarkRP Rule Questions

  • Raids can last how long?: Raids may last up to exactly ten minutes. Within the raid advert, raiders/basers may not spawn props, remove props, or use a tool gun. Additionally, the raider/baser may not change jobs. Doing so causes either the baser to cause an Avoid Raid or the Raider to commence a failed raid
  • If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?:  When a Raider member dies during a raid, such a player must not participate in the raid. But, if a baser dies, the baser may come back to defend after their NLR is over. 
  • What initiates a raid?:  Initiating a raid can only be done if you have the specific Job. (Thief, police, premium, etc.) In this situation, as a thief, when raiding the PD. You must clearly state in an advert, "PD RAID", if you are raiding the bank you must advert "BANK- RAID". Once you commence the raid, you have exactly 10 minutes. Once you either complete the raid or die, you must advertise that the raid is over. ( /advert raid over/done ) With the addition to RAID-TOOLS, before using such you must advert the command /advert raid.
  • If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: If there is a base with a clear entrance, or out in the open, nothing blocking it, such as keypads, or locked doors, you may steal without an advert If your job entails it. In any other situation, you must advert raid.
  • Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): /advert raid
  • If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrance sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?:  No. You must advert a raid before killing him/her. Doing this without an advert would be considered RDM.
  • If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: No. If you were reasonably arrested for raiding, you may not join back in the raid since any arrest is considered a death. So thus that person must follow the NLR and not participate until the raid is over. You must wait a total of 30 minutes before you can advert a raid on the same place again.
  • If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: If you kill someone out of revenge that is considered Revenge RDM, and is treated the same as a RDM.
  • A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: I would just simply tell them to stop and if they continue issue an low-their harassment warn, !warn
  • List all default Laws of The Land: Raiding and stealing are illegal. Anything detected by contraband scanners is always illegal. Harming players is illegal unless you are inside your base defending. Laws can be enforced with KOS if the player is wanted.
  • How many bases can you own per party?: Every party is entitled to only one Raidable base and one RP base.
  • A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: If the player REFUSES to listen to any statements or sit requirements. Depending on the situation it could be lead to being muted or even in some cases the player results to being jailed.
  • Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Yes. This is considered as a minge and depending on the situation, harassment. Both are not appreciated and are punishable.
  • Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: An example of a staff member abusing their powers would have to be enabling God mode during a raid. I Would gather evidence and report it to a higher power.
  • A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: In a Mass Rdm situation I would excess the situation, and then freeze the player, bring the player over to conduct a sit, and issue a MRDM (!warn johndoe123 MRDM/NITRP)
  • A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: In a situation where you have a possible minge, you'd want to get their point of view and know why they are doing this. If they just want to do it, I would verbally warn them, and if it consists I would demote them and issue a possible warn.
Edited by AnotherLoki
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15 hours ago, AnotherLoki said:

A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: I would just simply tell them to stop and if they continue issue an low-their harassment warn, !warn

Any form of damage done to the player, even if they weren't killed is considered RDM. Harassment comes more into play with repeated behavior with the same players.

15 hours ago, AnotherLoki said:

How many bases can you own per party?: Every party is entitled to only one Raidable base and one RP base.

Only exception to this rule are the Italian/Mob jobs, they may own up 4 bases. (As long as five active players are using the job)

15 hours ago, AnotherLoki said:

A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: In a Mass Rdm situation I would excess the situation, and then freeze the player, bring the player over to conduct a sit, and issue a MRDM (!warn johndoe123 MRDM/NITRP)

Small thing here, you won't be able to !bring frozen players. I would say it's better to tp them straight to aland and freeze them there if needed.

15 hours ago, AnotherLoki said:

A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: In a situation where you have a possible minge, you'd want to get their point of view and know why they are doing this. If they just want to do it, I would verbally warn them, and if it consists I would demote them and issue a possible warn.

This is considered Job Abuse. If they are unable to state a specific reason for lockdown and refuse to turn it off, You would reset their job and provide a punishment based off previous warns for Job Abuse after explaining how to use the feature in the future.

-/+ Holding my vote for now, as it seems like you have good intentions and wish to make an addition the team. Try to review through the Staff Handbook (hyperlinked) and the rules of the server again to make some edits to your application if needed. Good luck!

Edited by akuma
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  • 2 weeks later...


You haven't received much Community feedback but based on our interactions I believe you have the right mindset to become a good Staff on Aether as you seem like a chill and fun player. Good luck!

Your assigned Mentor is: @Donnie


Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. 

Staff Handbook Link

T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)

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