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Everything posted by Enzo

  1. Cya mate. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.
  2. Mental health always comes first and I'm glad that you've made the decision to resign from staff rather than force yourself through. Take care mate.
  3. When the trees start speaking Vietnamese
  4. Forgot to include my reason for +1 ing your app and it's not letting me edit my first response on my end for some reason. Anways, +1 Taken the advices provided by staff members in regards to your staff app wholeheartedly which showcases that you're willing to learn the ropes of being a staff member. Rule knowledge and how to handle staff related situation are on point. I've noticed how level headed you are in game which is as just an importance while being staff and outgoing with people within the community. Had no negative interactions with you prior to the creation of the staff app and your willingness to learn and shadowing admin sit has impressed me greatly. Wazl deserves a shot at being T-Mod.
  5. Changed to a +/- due to concerns, After having some thoughts about your re-rank staff app a few hours after posting my response. I've come to the decision and express that I am quite concerned about you becoming staff again due to the following reasons: I understand that most people within your friend group are staff themselves, however based on your responses to others and extra comment that you've provided on the app made me question if you're seriously reapplying for staff for the right reasons. Becoming staff itself is a privilege, but it's just as much of an importance to have good time management skills and having a drive for motivation to staffing in general as it's quite a chore itself. Surely, I get the fact that being apart of staff team gives you certain social aspects such as being allowed to participate in staff related events such as staff gaming night and making event for example are quite perk itself, however building a relationship within the staff team let alone the entire community as a whole is just as much of an importance which shows commitment. Hence, the last thing I wanna see is that if you were to lose motivation again on the long run, it will greatly affect not just staffing, but your love towards playing Garry's Mod itself in general and feeling extreme guilt for failing as a staff member. I've witnessed this with several former staff on servers I've actively play on and servers that I used to staff on.
  6. +1, Former Aether staff who has resigned from Mod on good terms with the staff team. Quite knowledge on the server rules, staff punishment guidelines, and an extensive playtime. Had no negative interactions with you prior to the creation of the Re-Rank staff app. Edited Read my upcoming second response.
  7. +1, Former aether staff that has resigned from Mod on good terms with the staff team. Has showcased his ability to handle staff related situations while being level headed and knowledgeable on the rules. Had no negative interactions with you prior to the creation of the Re-Rank staff app.
  8. +1, You were previously demoted by Jouaram for toxicity back in March. However, I believe that you deserve a second chance due to the fact that I've seen an improvement and growth on your behaviour and owning up to your mistakes.
  9. +1, As long you get a mic, your admin sits will go quite smoothly for you. Has showcased that they have a clear understanding of the rules and how to properly handle staff related punishments. Extremely level headed which is what I like to see in a future staff member as that is quite ideal. Had no negative interactions with you prior to the creation of the staff app.
  10. +1, Have a clear knowledge on the rules. Extensive In game playtime. Had no negative interactions with you prior to the creation of the staff app.
  11. +1, Former Aether Staff. Has showcased how to properly handle staff related situations and is quite level headed when he used to be a T-Mod. Had no negative interactions with you prior to the creation of the staff app and has shown clear knowledge of the rules with an extensive playtime.
  12. +1, Had no negative interactions with you prior to the creation of the staff app. Has a clear knowledge of the rules and how to give out proper staff related punishments. Extremely active on the server. Edited: -1, having recent & active warns are a bad look on staff.
  13. I've lost 2B to BIgman once. Good times
  14. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavour, shroom man CEO
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