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  1. i think i should win because i deserve the custom big floppa role :) this is my favorite halloween picture i think baby floppa did a really good job at carving his floppolanter!
    21 points
  2. I'm moving on from the server, and as a result, I want to giveaway all of my belongings to the community. Here's the prize pool; NOTE: There will be 5 WINNERS for both currencies, split equally. NOTE: There will be 1 WINNER for consumables. They will receive every consumable. NOTE: There will be 1 WINNER for basic crafting materials. They will receive every basic crafting material. Here's how the giveaway will work; You MUST react to this post using ANY reaction. (No I'm not farming rep, this is just an easy way to gather names.) You MUST reply to this thread with your FULL DISCORD USERNAME so I can contact you if you win. I will be randomly drawing names from a wheel spin website. (wheelofnames.com) Each person will be entered into the giveaway ONCE can win an UNLIMITED amount of times. Each winner will receive ONE RANDOM PRIZE. Once a prize is won, it will be removed from the prize pool. (Obviously.) You have until SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH to enter the giveaway, after which names will be drawn and winners will receive their prizes. For more information, shoot me a DM on discord. (Apollo#0167) Good luck! 😃
    13 points
  3. Hello, as some of you already know I have resigned from staff. I am currently trying to go back to school for nursing and would like to shift my focus towards that. I am gonna try to get on Aether from time to time to hang out with my pals. I will eventually return to staffing and my DM’s are open to anyone of course. Thank you for all the memories I love you all ❤️
    12 points
  4. I would like to thank everyone that has helped me and shown me alot of things along the way, I don't want to become inactive and keep the current staff team from becoming upset and me not being here. I have alot of stuff going on right now and hopefully with return in the future, But as of right now this is a goodbye 😞
    12 points
  5. not anymore
    11 points
  6. Friends, A month and a half ago I rejoined Aether and I have had an absolute blast playing with all of you. Coming back was one of the best decisions that I made in my life. Being able to connect with old friends, as well as meeting new ones along the way, I am glad to be a part of this community, as well as the staff team. However, I have been given a big opportunity to become an Assistant Manager basically becoming my GM’s right hand. With this, my 40 hour work weeks will turn into 50 hours very soon. Along with my promotion, I will be moving out of my parents house very soon and moving into an apartment with a friend of mine, and balancing staffing with friends, family, work, etc. is going to be very difficult for me. For this reason, I’ll be stepping down from the staff team and I will be leaving Aether for an undisclosed amount of time. I wish I could tell you when I’ll fully be back but I don’t currently have an answer. My training begins soon and I’ve really gotta start focusing more on my IRL ventures, but I promise that I will be back. Thank you for all of the great times, late nights, early mornings you all have given me. I will sincerely miss all of you as I go on this long hiatus, and I hope to keep you all updated on how life is going. With me being fresh out of high school I’ve got alot on my plate that I need to finish up, and the second I can find out how to balance everything I will be back. With that said, goodbye for now everybody, I will return!
    11 points
  7. Hello, many of you may know me as a staff member as I've been staff since 12/22/2020. I am making this post to inform all members of the community that I am no longer staff but I will be on the server occasionally. I wish Aether the best of luck and continued growth as in my opinion the best Gmod DarkRp community to date. 💝
    11 points
  8. 10 points
  9. AetherNetwork.gg Staffing Requirements: Copy and then post your application HERE Read this slideshow to get an idea of what is expected of Staff: HERE IF YOU DO NOT MEET THESE REQUIREMENTS YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE DENIED. YOU WILL RECEIVE A RESPONSE WITHIN 2 WEEKS OF APPLYING, RECEIVING ANY WARNS/BANS IN THIS TIME WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE DENIAL! You MUST maintain a healthy activity level In-Game, on Forums and in Discord when applying for staff. You MUST have at least 24 hours / 1 days play time on the server you are applying for. You MUST be at least 15 years of age unless given permission to apply by a higher up. During the Trial-Mod phase you will be given assistance by all staff members, your trial moderator period can last up to 2 weeks. Your application will be responded to when a decision has been made, usually this takes 7 days but some applications may take more or less time. You MUST fill out the template correctly or else your application will be DENIED. Lying in your application will prove to us that you are untrustworthy, if found out you will be DENIED. If you are found advertising your application it will be DENIED. Talking about your application prior to posting it is okay to get help but talking about it/advertising it after it's been posted will result in an instant denial. Be patient. If you are found plagiarizing your application it will be DENIED and you will be added to a Staff Blacklist. If you are DENIED you may NOT post another application until 1 Week after the denial post. Copy Template Below The Lines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): [NAMES] Age: [AGE] Steam ID: [https://steamid.io/] Discord Tag: [DISCORD TAG] Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): [!time in-game] Timezone: [TIMEZONE] Steam Profile: [STEAM PROFILE LINK] Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): [TIMES - SPECIFY AM/PM] General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish 15 sits each week?: DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: What initiates a raid?: If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: List all default Laws of The Land: How many bases can you own per party?: A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: Extra Comments:
    10 points
  10. AetherNetwork DarkRP Rules Need Help? Contact a Staff member by typing @ followed by your question/request! Staff have the final say. If you disagree with a staff member make a Forum Complaint. Discord Invite Link: Discord.gg/AetherNetwork Basic Rules Be civil, this is a game - treat it as one and try to have fun; if you are intentionally ruining or disrupting other’s gameplay you will be punished accordingly. Keep any political/racist/hate speech/toxic/excessive NSFW behavior and words out of the game, Forums and Discord. RDM (Random Deathmatch) occurs if you damage or kill another player without a valid reason from your current in-game life. NLR (New Life Rule) restricts you from interacting with the player(s) who caused your previous in-game death for 3 minutes from your death. After being killed by another player the gameplay situation between you ends. If you die defending a base you cannot defend that base or enter the base until NLR is over. Hits do not apply NLR and the victim can return immediately. Cheating, exploiting and scamming are strictly disallowed. Abusing exploits will result in a punishment equal to the damage done to the server through said exploit. If you have clipping software available and can swiftly provide clips you are able to retaliate and kill players when they attempt to kill or arrest you, otherwise if you cannot supply clips you must wait until you take at least 1 damage to be able to retaliate. Using commands/binds whilst AFK is disallowed in all cases. No mic-spamming or radios unless you are a DJ. There should be no overly loud noises played from your microphone under any circumstances. Impersonating other members of the Community or using another iteration of their name intentionally trying to bother them is disallowed in all cases. Alternative accounts cannot transfer items to main accounts/farm money and cannot claim/use in-game codes. Banned players cannot rejoin on alternative accounts. Entering safe-zones to avoid gameplay or killing yourself to avoid gameplay is strictly disallowed. Your name must have at least 3 English letters with no spaces between them. Using /demote should only be utilized with a valid reason and when no Staff are available. Wait at least 10 minutes after creating a ticket before receiving no response and going through this route. Exploiting any game mechanics is strictly forbidden in all cases, if you find something that appears to be bugged/broken or over-tuned you should bring it up to a higher-up, abusing these systems will result in punishments on a case-by-case basis depending on damage done and benefits gained. Building Rules All jobs (With the exception of mob jobs) can build 1 raidable base and 1 RP-Only base per party. For Police the PD counts as their raidable base, for Bankers the Bank counts as their raidable base. Bank and PD can utilize as many keypads as the tool lets them. RP-Only bases can be built anywhere other than sidewalks. If building in the street there must be a clear accessible way to get past the base, this also applies if building in any type of tunnel or map shortcut that is not a dead-end. Raidable bases can be made anywhere other than on or above the street, sidewalk, sewer walkways or fountain. The only exception to building on the sidewalk is to create rooftop access, decorative non-obstructive props or if utilizing mob-based jobs (see below). Mob-based jobs such as Russians and Italians can own up to 4 bases as long as they have at least 5 players actively basing and using the job, each base owned have their own separate keypad/door limit. These mob mega-bases can utilize building on sidewalks as long as they own the property of where they are building and it does not block off any part of the map or public entities. Your base must have at least 1 working entrance. All members of the base must be added to the front door of the base, if there is no front door you must all be in a party. Rooftop’s are owned by whichever base’s door is connected/closest to it, if the rooftops has no base connecting to it then whoever builds there first owns it. Your base must be a clear and accessible path with no movement restrictions or forced crouching. Players should be able to do a full jump in every area that the base owner has control over (rare world exceptions such as doorways, window-ways etc). Movement restrictions also include drop, trap and maze bases. The path you force players to raid through must not take longer than an average of 30 seconds at default sprint speed from the entrance of the base to the main area of raidables within the base; not including keypad or button doors. All areas of your base must be able to fit 2 players side-by-side. The only exception to this would be map areas where it wouldn’t be possible to fit 2 players. You can utilize 3 keypad doors and 3 button doors for a raider to fully access your base. These must be visible and next to the door they open with no extra fake keypads/buttons. You must only have to breach each keypad and button 1 time to get in and 1 time to get out. All keypad and button doors must be raidable with all raiding tools. Bases that have dedicated areas to damage players from must allow raiders to damage the baser. You must have your shoulders and above visible and damageable when damaging raiders and raiders must have their shoulders and above visible and damageable when damaging basers. Any overly large bases or those imported with Advanced Duplicator that are normally not spawnable may be removed at Staff discretion. If you are being raided you cannot rejoin to avoid the raid and must wait until it concludes. You cannot have any cancer/painful to look at materials. Raiding Rules A raid advert must be created before using any raid tool to correctly initiate a raid. Your raid cooldown is 30 minutes per base, this cooldown starts from your raid advert. Your raid may last up to 10 minutes from your raid advert. If raiding PD you must specify PD RAID. If raiding the Bank you must specify BANK RAID. Once a raid has been initiated neither raiders nor basers can use their tool gun, spawn props or remove props. During a raid neither the raider or the baser can switch jobs. The baser doing so is considered the same as rejoining to avoid raid and the raider doing so is a fail raid. You can raid a base that another raider is already raiding but you must commit to the raid and attempt to finish it, using raid adverts just to kill the raider is disallowed. Raids must be initiated from within microphone distance of the base's entrance or inside the base, leaving microphone distance of the base forfeits the raid. You can kill members of the base after your raid advert if they are within microphone distance of the base’s entrance. Raidables must be reachable by all raid tools at all times, for example you cannot have raidable's phys-gunned to be unreachable by raid sticks. If raidables are accessible without using a raiding tool you do not have to advert raid and no cooldown is applied. You cannot raid any bases that have RP Only or Building signs. Warning Rules Players can be warned to leave your area if they are causing disruptions to yourself. Warns must be given in /advert specifying ‘Warn 10s/10 seconds’. If the player is still within microphone distance after the warning you can kill them. If the player returns to microphone distance from where you adverted the warn within 30 seconds you can kill them. You can only warn players in your base or public areas and you cannot warn players to leave if they were at the location first. Advert Rules Adverts used for gameplay (PD Raids, Bank Raids, Raids) must be the first words posted in the advert. All in-game adverts are considered RP and can be acted upon, including raid adverts. Adverts used for raids/warns cannot be colored in any way and cannot have any extra text or symbols. Kidnapping Rules Hostages can be kept for up to 10 minutes, after the 10 minutes the hostage will be executed if not set free. You cannot force players into uncomfortable situations whilst kidnapped, in-game RP is allowed but if you are kidnapping players to make them miserable Staff may remove the player from your base or the player may suicide. If a kidnap victim feels they have been kidnapped for the purpose of getting them intentionally stuck or left with no gameplay interaction they can choose to suicide, if the kidnapper feels this was unfair/invalid they can call a sit. The maximum ransom you can demand is $12,500,000. RP Only, KOS and Building Sign Rules RP Only, KOS and Building text-screens must be at least 75 in size whilst being clear and visible. KOS signs can only be placed at your base's entrance and can only be enforced once the player is past the sign. If a player is past your KOS sign you can kill them. If the player leaves the area after passing the sign you cannot hunt them down to kill them unless they dealt damage to you. If you are building somewhere other than a ownable base then you cannot have a KOS sign and can only KOS players for raiding your building. RP Only signs are utilized for bases that want to allow players into their base and have a build but without the risk of being raided. If you choose to have an RP Only base you cannot own any raidables, the only exception to this is supplier jobs such as Gun Dealers, Black Market Dealers and Medics - you can sell your products whilst having an RP Only sign. Building signs are utilized when creating a base to stop you from being raided. There is no time limit on how long you can have a Building sign for but you also cannot have raidables inside your base whilst this sign is up. Party Rules Party members cannot raid or steal from other party members. PD and Bank jobs are considered 'in a party' - if you switch off a PD job you must wait the timer below before raiding PD and if you switch off a Bank job you must wait the timer before raiding Bank. After leaving or being kicked from a party there is a 15 minute cooldown before being able to raid the party’s base. If you remove a player from your party you must give them their raidables. Party members are able to defend their party members in every scenario. Raid cooldowns are shared across your party unless you are a member of the PD. Mayor Rules You cannot create laws that contradict the default laws of the land. You cannot create laws that: Restrict movement or the ability to use cosmetics. Make specific jobs or players illegal. Make non-dangerous weapons illegal. Make any form of speech illegal. Lockdowns can be created with a valid reason, after you lockdown you should announce the reason. Police Department Rules Police cannot assist criminals. Builds for the PD must stay within the PD. Your main entrance cannot be PD vents. The PD lobby and Bail NPC must be accessible at all times. Illegal activity must be followed by an arrest unless the player is wanted or raiding, you can fast-wanted a player by right clicking with the nightstick whilst looking at them. If the player is wanted or raiding you can KOS them or arrest them. You can only warrant for things you have visually seen or have been reported to you in an RP manner. Illegal raidables cannot be allowed inside of PD, if you have knowledge of illegals inside of PD you must try to destroy them. Laws of The Land Raiding and stealing is illegal. Raidables detected by the contraband scanner are always illegal. Harming players is illegal unless you are inside your base defending it. Laws can be enforced with KOS if the player is wanted. Staff Sits To request a sit with a Staff member to report a player type ‘@ *sit reason here*’. Sits created through @ must have a valid reason and not intentionally waste Staff time. You can create sits to report players you believe broke the server rules. Once you create a sit you should expect to be brought at any time after, this can be a short or long wait depending on the amount of sits and Staff online. If you are in a Staff sit you must wait until the sit concludes before leaving. If you disagree with the outcome of the sit you can appeal Bans and Warns on the Forums, never argue in the sit as it only makes your case worse. All ban and warns appeals are viewed with no bias, do not fear reporting Staff or players you believe wronged you. For issues that are related to bugs, broken items or anything that can’t be resolved in-game you can create support tickets for higher-ups and the Owner to view on Discord in the #support channel. Wardrobe Your models chosen cannot break any of the default rules including NSFW/Racism/Political or anything in-between. Models that are overly inappropriate or showing underwear fall into the NSFW category. Models that show characters or people who are controversial may fall into the racism/political categories. Models that have been flagged as 'Nudity or Sexual Content' by Steam cannot be used. You cannot have invisible or hard to see models. You cannot have overly large or invasive/annoying models that obstruct other players gameplay. You cannot have small models intended to abuse hitboxes, this is mostly a problem in bases and is a case-by-case basis. If you break any of the wardrobe rules you may be subject to punishment and possibly a blacklist from the entire addon.
    10 points
  11. ima go play rust or something
    10 points
  12. If you are leaving because of issues that have never been voiced (to my knowledge) you should voice them so a discussion and resolution can be made.
    9 points
  13. i'm going to be resigning from staffing as well as playing daily i don't really wanna make this deep or write anything like it matters a whole lot but i figured i should at least make this post to let ppl know i enjoyed our time together but i feel like i'm distracting myself so for that reason i must go i took a little bit to think before making this decision so i'm definite on it at this point, i appreciate you all take care love more
    9 points
  14. Tips & Tricks Using 1 way walls There's 2 common methods used on Aether, from very simple to a bit more complicated; Method 1 --> A prop that should be familiar to any regular Garry's Mod player can be used as a 1 way very easily. Simply place the prop down in front of you and use nearly any of the materials available. You'll notice that one side should be fairly see through while the other is not at all. ( models/props_building_details/storefront_template001a_bars.mdl is the prop in images ) Method 2 --> This method is a bit more complex but adds for a really nice defense for your base. I'm going to use blocks in this demonstration, but naturally you would want to use the plastic plates or some sort of wall-like prop. Step 1: Start by using the stacker tool to duplicate the prop so that there is 2 side-by-side. If it's hard to notice the difference between the 2 props, try holding toolgun or holding down C on your keyboard and hovering over the prop with your cursor to outline it. Step 2: Now that you have your 2 props side-by-side, you'll want to switch over to the material toolgun and search the letters "VGUI" and the one you need will be the only one available with that name. You want to use this material on the prop that will be INSIDE of your base (the side you want to be transparent) Step 3: After you've completed step 2 you should be left with something like this. Next we're going to remove that nasty grid from the material. This is super simple yet so easily missed; switch over to your color toolgun and make sure that Render Mode = Normal, and Render FX = None. You will see 4 boxes while in the color tool menu, and in the very last box enter the number '1'. Then all you've got to do is use the color tool on that nasty grid material to make it 100% transparent. Remember you can hold C on your keyboard or use toolgun to see this prop Step 4: Now that you've got your regular prop beside your invisible prop, it's time to do the magic with the color tool. This time, you'll want to make sure that Render Mode = Glow, and Render FX = None. Make sure to change that '1' you had previously changed back to 255 to make sure nobody can see through on the other side. Select a nice color for the theme of your base and use it on the prop that we haven't touched yet. Bam! You've made yourself a great 1 way! How to record my gameplay/install Medal Medal is a clipping software used by many different styles of gamers. Here in Garry's Mod, we typically use it to record evidence incase of a staff related sit; whether you're the one making the report or need to show your side when being reported. The installation and first time use was demonstrated by @NotYourMomsPancakes in an earlier guide. Available here. How to find items you've been looking for There's a few ways you can go about this, and I suggest doing them all depending on how bad you want what you're looking for. Discord --> The Discord server offers a trading forums that is probably more active than you think! Assuming you're cool and are already in the discord server, click the trading channel and this is what you'll see. All you've got to do is add a title, a message and a tag showing whether you're buying or selling! /advert in-game --> I'm not saying to go around annoying everyone with spam messages, but an advert every 10-15 minutes mentioning that you're selling or looking to buy an item may help you out. It's worth a shot, right? How to setup keybinds Setting up binds is relatively simple, first you'll need to start off by figuring out which key is what for console commands. Thankfully for me, there's a steam guide on this here. After you figure out which key is what, head over to your in-game Garry's Mod console. For keybinds that you want to run as console commands, type them like this (stopsound, kill) For keybinds that you want to run as chat commands, type them like this (job cmds, adverts, purchases) If you are unsure what command you need, then you can back out of your console, and press F1. From here you'll see a long list of green and red commands, the green commands are all of the commands that your job has access to. For example, if you're looking to bind meth refills then your command is; Trading in-game for IRL Trading in-game items or money for real-life money is perfectly fine as long as you are keeping yourself safe. Before making an IRL trade, I suggest that you let whichever staff you're closest to know that you are going to be doing this deal. Make sure it's a clear message showing; 1) The value of in-game trade 2) How much money 3) Other party accepting this deal in clear wording I also suggest that you make sure this player is somewhat trusted or known on the server. You don't want someone you can't trust with your email or payment details. None of this is enforced, this is just my own personal suggestion. How much is my item worth / How rare is my item? Finding out what the worth or rarity of your item is can be a pretty stressful task. Thankfully when it comes to limited items, there is a spreadsheet available made by @havoc that will tell you exactly how many there are in circulation. You can find this spreadsheet here. Limited > Only available for a set amount of time. Has no chances of coming back after leaving. Legendary > A common type of permanent item, usually used as a filler in 'Normal' crates. Store-Blessed > Items purchased in packages from !store with real-life money. Contraband > Actual permanent weapons found in contraband crates. Relic > Usually funny/meme items found in 'Relic' crates. Seasonal > Items that are released yearly depending on the season/event. i.e, Halloween Event, Christmas Event. Seasonal-Contraband > Same as Seasonal rarity except these are real weapons like Contraband. Luxury > A low chance item found in Luxury crates. Exotic > A low chance item found in Exotic crates. Warped > A low chance lightsaber found in Warped crates. If your item is not a limited you should try to reach out to a well known collector for a price estimate, if you cannot find anyone with a price then I suggest listing the item on market for more than what you feel is fair and work your way down as the time goes on. Having the item on market will give other players a chance to see that you are selling this item and someone may even come to you with an offer. Making Garry's Mod run better on Aether If you plan on mainly playing Aether, then it's probably a pretty good idea to uninstall from all the unnecessary addons you've accumulated on your time playing. This is super simple, just head to Garry's Mod main menu and click on "Addons". Hardly any of the addons I have installed currently are from Aether, and are likely slowing my game down a ton. To uninstall/unsubscribe from all of these, click the little wrench in the bottom right. Click 'Uninstall All' and then 'Confirm'. Before loading back into Aether, be sure to install Aethers content available here! How to toggle !bodyperms permanently If you suffer from poor internet or just general lag on the server, disabling bodyperms can go a long way. I don't mean the classic !bodyperm command, I mean permanently show NO ONE'S bodyperms. This is possible by entering the following command into console cl_weapon_holsters 0 You can reactive bodyperms permanently using the same command except changing the '0' to a '1'; cl_weapon_holsters 1
    8 points
  15. Hello everyone! Just sharing that I am gonna be taking a leave of absence for the next 11 days, and the rest of this weekend I gotta prep for his arrival and sort out some IRL shit. My partner is coming down to visit me for a week, and I want to spend as much time with him as I possibly can. Only like, three of you guys will probably care, but I will be back! Love you all ❤️
    8 points
  16. I think i should win cause this picture on the home screen would be fire
    8 points
  17. Hey people, I got bored and decided to make a little 3D Spinning Aether logo using Blender. Hope you like it :)
    8 points
  18. No more bickering please, this is Baked's staff application thread not the tell each other what we hate about each-other thread.
    8 points
  19. (Been sitting on this a while. Think it's time I try.) AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Just Monika, both in game and on Discord Age: 22 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94899408 Discord Tag: justmonika.5484 Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): >Your total time is 2mo 1d 11h 21m. Was around in early 2021-2022, took a long break, came back around September 2023 Timezone: EST Gang Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198150064545/ Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): I tend to work evenings on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday, and my evening on Sundays are reserved for my partner, but I am usually on from around 3 PM - 1 AM most other days of the week (even on days I work I tend to hop on the server when I get back to chill out after a long day). I am also on most mornings as well. General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: I just wanna help people to put it simply. I have always wanted players to feel welcome into our community, as that is how the community grows. If I were to become staff, I would do what is needed to keep the server as chill as possible so that everyone can have fun. I have also staffed in the past on another server, so I am pretty good at dealing with all sorts of players and also knowing if someone is just on Aether to waste everyone's time or not. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: I have read the rules of the server and I am confident that I can enforce them in a non-bias manner. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Guidance is how people learn after all, so yes I would gladly take any advice from other staff if they need to share. Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish 15 sits each week?: I am certain that I can complete the given time and sit commitment for Aether. DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: A raid lasts 10 minutes max. If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: A player must wait 30 minutes to raid the same base again if they die during a raid no matter what. What initiates a raid?: A player can initiate a raid as a raiding class (thief, runner, etc.) by typing "/advert raid" once they find a suitable base to attempt to steal from. If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: As long as the raidables can be reached w/o lockpicking. breach juicing, etc, they are allowed to steal from that players base. Keep your doors locked and this won't happen. Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): /advert raid, but players can have some fun with it so long as the advert clearly defines the type of raid that is about to take place. If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: Nah. That's just RDM at that point. Fight fair. If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: As long as a raid was announced, no. That counts as failing the raid and you have to find another base or wait out the raid timer. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: While it might be justified to the player who was RDM'd, no. That is Revenge RDM. A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: If a player punches someone, and the person who was punched decided to call a sit, I would claim the ticket to see why the instigator punched someone. Depending on the actions of the instigator, one of two actions would happen. A verbal warn/RIS would be issued if the instigator genuinely didn't mean to punch that player, or a proper written RDM warn would be issued if it was a first offense. List all default Laws of The Land: 1. Raiding and stealing is illegal. 2. Raidables detected by the contrabaned scanner are always illegal 3. Harming players is illegal unless you are inside your base defending it. 4. Laws can be enforced with KOS if the player is wanted How many bases can you own per party?: A party may own one proper base with raidables inside and one RP base. A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Staff have a lot of tools, so it can vary. If a player is constantly running away/killing in a sit, I would freeze them. If a player is mic spamming/chat spamming, a gag/mute would be issued. The sit is gonna be finished one way or another, just depends on how they wanna handle it. Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Yes. While it is true we all have our own definition of "fun", intentionally ruining other player's experience with the server is not the kind of fun we want to encourage. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: While staff have a lot of tools to make things easier for handling sits, they also have a lot of tools to make unfair. They could give themselves god mode and raid every base on the block. They could constantly fling players around with their phys gun. They could noclip into their own base mid raid to defend. If I saw a staff member abusing their power, I would gather clips if possible and go to those above me to inform them of the abuser's actions. A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: I would ensure that all kills came from the RDMer (asking the victims if they were messing around or if it was some random guy killing), pull them to a sit, deal with the player however is needed (freezing, muting, etc.) and issue a warning for MRDM. Depending on how many times they have been warned for this action, the length of the ban could vary. For a first offense, it would be a 3 day ban minimum. A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: I would simply inform the mayor that they aren't allowed to have a lockdown without a proper reason. If they comply, no need to write a warning. A warning would be written if the Mayor refuses to listen otherwise.
    7 points
  20. Hi 🙂 been a min huh, Pretty sure i wont be returning to Aether for quite the time if at all, due to me enjoying other games and to busy with work i just wanted to hop on here and let everyone know that you have impacted me in life and helped me (yes im talking to everyone; even the ones who treated me with no respect -wont name anyone obv-) anywayssss i started blastin side tracked i appreciate all of you that have helped me through out staffing and just life in general i will always cherish those memories and the things people have taught me. Everyone at Aether has something special in them and Jouaram has done a great job keeping up with the community, listening and actually taking in suggestions and putting them in action to help you guys with gameplay always be there for that man cause no one else is here to run this sh*t! Respect him with everything and he will never do you wrong. For the Staff Team You guys will always have a place in my heart ( corny, holy shit ) but its true and i will cherish those memories, those talks, the times we were mad at each other over a virtual video game the times we laughed and almost passed out because of it, those life talk and sometimes crying, mostly me because my life was in shambles and i had alot of shit happned in my personal life when i was playing aether and alot of you have helped me through my struggles and couldn't ask for better family over the internet all of you have done something that impacted my life with heavy meaning and i will never forget that and never would change a thing i tired to be the best i could for everyone, staff, members, new commers, all of you i tried my best and i had a kick ass time doing it, wouldnt go staff on a different server other then Aether because it isnt just a Garrys Mod server, its a place of dreams and you can go and get away from life i mean it really sucks you in and makes you forget everything that is wrong in the world please keep being you and keeping aether a place where people can come and go to escape from reality ❤️ J man and the whole staff team has done a incredible job at keep it a safe place for those people dealing with depression, stress, family problems, over all life in general its a place to go when you are sad and become happy within minutes please stay true to yourself and the people you talk to because you have no clue what others are going through, be gently and nice to everyone and i promise you it will return with open arms because at the end of the day no one is gonna be there for you more then the people over the internet because its hard to show true colors over a screen im a completely diff person over the internet then in real life and i mean that in a good way, again please stay true to what you believe in ❤️ The silly little talks and the silly sits we would all become a part of because it was just the thing to do, i will never forget about any of you ❤️ please reach out and chat lets catch up on life ❤️ unfortunately i ran dry on staffing and it got really repetitive for me and i don't think ill be making a return anytime soon, i still stay in touch with the people that impacted me the most and will always have open DM's for those people. I love you all and wouldn't change a thing that has happened on Aether, we celebrated 2 of my birthdays so that's quite the time that i was staff (on and off) all of you are one of a kind and have a place some where in life and i have no doubt all of you will succeed in life please message me if you havnt latley and lets catch up on some things ❤️ forever and always will be MostDope 😉 Aether forever sincerely MostDopeLofi 🙂 PS: yall stink take a shower
    7 points
  21. Well title kind of explains itself, my time on aether has been nothing but fun, the community is one of the best out there most the of the people I met have been nothing but kind and helpful towards others! thank you all for the amazing memories and experiences couldn't ask for a better server to staff on! Lets start off by saying @Jouaram You are a kick ass owner and you do your best to do what the players want! you have been nothing but good to me and i appreciate everything you have done not just for me but everyone else to! by this server being up you let players come to a new world and express there feelings and escape reality, i have no doubt in my mind you have saved many people keep doing what you are doing ❤️ @Madi Raven Madi thank you for being by my side every since t-mod phase, ever memory we have is beyond amazing and that's an understatement, thank you for letting me rant my problems away and for you to listen couldn't ask for a better wifey ❤️ @Tremor Thank you for being the role model for me! you showed me many things not only in gmod but all the nerdy shit you do! ❤️ I'm glad I got to have a cool friend that enjoys car as much as I do! especially Toyotas 🙂 you pushed me to go farther in staffing and to go as far as I could, I went pretty far huh? could have gone longer but life got in the way that's ok though ill be back 🙂 @ThiccYe Thank you for being the grump of the group we needed you there, thicc you pushed me to be tougher not only in game but in my personal life, you taught me a lot through out my phase as staff you were on my ass if i messed up and strongly showed me how to improve! you light up the calls with your funny sense of humor and knowledge which up lifts the vibe a lot! @dr. snortthisperc Thanks for being an outstanding friend you have taught me many things and im beyond thankful to have you have as a friend ❤️ you are an amazing person and i think you have some good things coming for you dude i strongly do keep your head up and moving forward ❤️ @Creed Thanks for playing dayz with me and Danny some good times watching you run naked towards a care package xD set aside our differences and id just like to say you are a good friend to me and I appreciate you a ton @Donnie You were always the the person to bring the vibe up and make most people laugh, don't worry i understood most of your jokes 🙂 @jerma You little rat, thanks for being a good friend to me for it all peak friendship was when we had mod together xD we did a lot we still good friends don't forget about me ❤️ @Emiy You so quiet dude xD nah fr thanks for being there and bein an awesome friend couldn't ask for a better mute 🙂 @Acmerica got to have ac in here dude what's life without him? BORING that's what, thanks for RDM'ing me so many times you taught me some good self defense, sound board funny asf dude keep that @Danny Danny a weirdo honestly but hes a good friend, we need to play more games brodie -_- Well if I missed someone I'm sorry you'll get a good personal message me from lmao, hope to see you guys around ily all you guys are all family to me and couldn't ask for a better staff team! Take care of yourself and keep in touch! Lofi Out! Remember Most Dope 4lyfe Keep Your Cypher Complete 🙂
    7 points
  22. Some of you may know me and some of you may not. You may know me as an old player from ret or as only a staff member or for the people that makes a comment about it every time I'm on the server, the guy that donated a lot of money to the server. It hurts my heart to do this but its in the best interest for me to take a break from the server and staffing. I will miss the server and all of the laughs I've had on it. For the staff team, you all hold a place in my heart. I love every one of you like family and would do anything for yall. If any of you needs anything feel free to DM me. For the rest of the server. Your all great and you chose the right server to start your Dark RP experience or Finish your Dark RP experience. P.S. stop RDMing I would like to say something to some certain people that made my time on the server that more special. Pizza- It sucks that you left for a little bit and that we couldn't hang out on the server as much but your cool as hell and definitely one of the 4 people that will make me come back. Victus- MY MAN! Your the second person that will make me come back someday, you kept me getting on even when I didn't feel like it. You and pizza are my brothers. Please keep in touch with me Dildozer- I feel like I don't need to tell you how special you are to me. You were my boy on Ret and you were my boy on here, I love you bro. You know you can DM me at anytime for anything. Noodle- Were the dynamic duo, you gave me my first million on Ret and I gave you your first extremely rare item on Aether. We'll be playing CSGO again bro If I missed anyone I'm sorry, there's a lot of emotions going on for me right now just thinking about this and realizing that its really happening. You haven't seen the last of Babydumptruck. I will be back soon ❤️
    7 points
  23. I'm sure most of you know I haven't been active for such a long time due to real life reasons. My mother had passed away from Covid-19 on December 17th, 2020 and was officially laid to rest yesterday on February 16th, 2021. I must say it has been such a rough time for me, and now I can finally breathe after such a long and painful couple passed months. Now that I know that she's in a better place I'm glad I can finally smile and see her happy and not feeling pain after all these times. Also I want to thank all of the staff members and players especially for supporting me through all this pain. I miss you mom.. and I love you forever.. 1955 - 2020. https://gyazo.com/6f9692ea143c29e5dbc7e1b1276808ba
    7 points
  24. I joined the server a long time ago, when i was in like 6th or 7th grade when it was RetributionRP and I had the most fun on the server. I became staff and became admin pretty fast and enjoyed the ride. When the server became AetherNetwork i lost my flow, I got really busy with work and hopefully someone uses the admin position better and is active with it. Good luck to all and much love! @Papafrankku remember the times when we had parties that went off our screens LOL and made meth early morning lmaooo @Fakie been a good ride brother and good luck and much love to the rest ~Sincerely Yung Listerine checking out
    7 points
  25. Now imagine if someone replied to your Staff application calling you annoying. You'd have definitely DM'd me complaining. Think more maturely with your responses instead of going for insults, asking to join a party is not a reason to deny a staff app.
    7 points
  26. My favorite job on the server is waitress.
    6 points
  27. AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name: Jared Age: 20 Steam ID: 76561198135493762 STEAM_0:0:87614017 Discord Tag: bubba9068 Total Playtime: Your total time is 8mo 6d 7h 30m Timezone: EST Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/shminkydinky/ Times you're most active: 4:30PM - 10:00PM Monday-Friday 4:30PM-12:00AM on weekends. General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: I would contribute to Aether by being a responsible and active staff member, doing my best to maintain the integrity of Aether and ensure that it's a safe, fun, and fair environment for all. I also enjoy helping new players, whether they are completely new to dark-rp or just new to Aether, I'd help them the best I can Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?:Yes I have read the rules fully, and I'm comfortable enforcing the rules because I'm confident I know them. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Absolutely, anyone who is a higher ranking than me could tell me what I'm doing wrong. I encourage higher ups to criticize and correct my behavior as I would like to be the best staff member I can be 🙂 Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish 15 sits each week?: I am certain I can fulfill those requirements. DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: Raids can last a maximum of 10 minutes with the timer starting as soon as they send /advert Raid If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: There is a 30 minute cooldown on raiding the same base. What initiates a raid?: A raid is initiated by doing /advert Raid . A valid raid advert must have "Raid" as the first word. Or if raiding the Bank or PD, you must specify which one and then raid. Examples /advert Bank Raid /advert PD Raid. If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: Yes, the player can steal if their current job is one that can raid/steal and they didn't use any raid tools or abuse game mechanics to get inside the base. Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): /advert Raid If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: No, you are not allowed to kill them in that instance. You could kill them once you advert raid and they are within mic distance, a raid has to begin before you can start any combat with the base owner or his/her party members. If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: It depends on the specifics. If you are the raider and get arrested you may not return because once you are arrested that would immediately end the raid and start your 30 minute cooldown for that specific base. If you are being raided by the PD and as a base owner get arrested, you may return and defend your base and illegals after your arrest and NLR timers are over. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: I'd say it depends. If they kill you you're absolutely not allowed to kill them back, and you should make the appropriate sit. But if they intentionally hurt you without killing you, the player then has the right to defend themselves with force. A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: I would treat it as any other RDM sit. Depending on warn history, the instigator would receive a warn/jail/ban. List all default Laws of The Land: Raiding and stealing is illegal Raidables detected by the contraband scanner are always illegal Harming players is illegal unless you are inside your base defending it Laws can be enforced with KOS if the player is wanted How many bases can you own per party?: A party can have 1 base with raidables/illegal items and 1 RP base. for a total of 2 bases. A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Depending on how uncooperative the player is, I would gag/mute them then if necessary I would freeze them and continue with the sit as normal. Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Definitely. If determined it has been intentional and targeted I would consider it harassment and punish them starting with a verbal/written warning if its their first offense and then escalating accordingly. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: There are many ways a staff member could abuse their powers. For example, they could be extra lenient on a friends warning, not punishing them appropriately. Punishing someone too harshly because of a personal grudge. Hiding raidables in adminland...etc A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: I would teleport them to adminland and freeze them, stopping any future harm. First I'd check their warns, I would then punish them (based on their history). If decided they were mass rdming they would be punished accordingly and obviously I would ask for an extension on ban from a higher up if needed. A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: I would first go to them asking for the reason behind the lockdown, and if they could turn it off. If they aren't cooperating and its determined there isn't a valid reason I would turn off the lockdown and warn them for job abuse.
    6 points
  28. Over the past few months, I have been working alongside @Jouaram to create an accurate and extensive list of item counts for every Limited. I am pleased to announce that the list is now fully complete. Every single item count in this comprehensive list was personally provided by Jouaram. The primary motivation behind my commitment to making this detailed spreadsheet is to offer a reliable resource for players. Many players, especially those looking to sell items or buy items, often find themselves uncertain about the worth of their possessions. By making this information readily accessible, I aim to empower these players with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their items’ values. This effort is intended to enhance the overall trading experience within the community, ensuring that all players have a clear understanding of what their items are worth. *here is the link to the spreadsheet* any questions dm me on discord "havoclovesmoney"
    6 points
  29. hi yes i return ez money i win these i hope to begin staffing again soon after gettin sum activity in and meetin all the new peeps who joined since i left much love and peace to all, i hope to meet soon 😀
    6 points
  30. Hello my friends, due to a lack of income and me losing my job about a month ago, come this Friday I am going to be homeless and living out of my car for an unknown amount of time. I am hoping I will be able to figure something out relatively quick but I'm unsure that I will. I am not leaving the server permanently, but I will be unable to play for an unknown amount of time until I'm able to save some money and find somewhere new to reside. I will remain active on forums and anyone can reach out to me if they need any help. I hope to see you all soon! 🙂❤️
    6 points
  31. I'm not completely sure when I'll be back, but there's a couple things going on irl that make it nearly impossible for me to be able to get on the server so I feel like I've got to post this. I've loved my time with Aether, I've made countless friends; some that I'll probably still talk too. Countless hours into reviews, mentees, and staffing overall was genuinely fun to me. I loved that I could logon and talk to so many different types of people at once, truly is an amazing experience when you look at it the right way. The longstanding members of the staff team have became some sort of a second family to me, I wish them all the best and hope we can still keep in touch. You all truly made a difference in my life. 😘
    6 points
  32. AetherNetwork Re-Rank Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): AV Madi Raven, AN Madi Raven, Whattheever99, MadiCat247, DEVIL KILL 247. Age: 26 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25658589 Discord Tag: MadiCat247 #8646 Total Playtime: 4w 2d 7h 35m. Timezone: EST Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/whattheever99/ Highest Rank You've Obtained: Moderator Link your previous personal Trello Card: https://trello.com/c/DTrrm4Gr Re-Rank Questions When Staffing did you cause any issues that were brought up to you by another Staff member? If so, what?: Not that I'm aware of no. How long can you guarantee you'll keep consistent activity for?: indefinitely. Are you currently happy with your activity on the server and Forums as a player?: Yes, I have been checking forums everyday even when I left the server aswell. Do you believe you deserve to hold the rank you're going back to and the responsibility's that come with it?: Of Course! How many hours can you play per week on average at this current time?: 30s as an estimate, more than enough for minimum. Have you read the most up to date rules and Staff Handbook?: Yes, I know they are being rewritten as I'm posting this also. Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish at least 50 sits every 2 weeks?: more than certain! Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: 10 Minutes to get in, do a lil shootin and scootin, and get out. If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: That life is over baby! They gotta wait 30 minutes to raid that base again or 20 minutes for PD and Bank. What initiates a raid?: A Valid Raid Advert, those fancy ones are no no, keep it simple! If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: A player can steal ONLY if 2 things are true, they have a job that says "can Steal" and if they get to the raidables WITHOUT having to use any raid tools. Example being open doors and nothing between you and those tasty raidables. Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): /advert Raid, /advert PD Raid, /advert Hit Raid, /advert Bank Raid. If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: Nope, you have to advert FIRST and once you do ONLY if that owner is in interfering distance or trying to stop you then you can get a sick headshot to add to your MLG compilation. If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: No, that raid is over, you are a new soul. you gotta wait that timer for that base and you cannot go back and assist, that was the old you.. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: NO! You will get a revenge RDM warn, report that to staff to handle or use the player report system on forums if no staff are on. A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: I would issue an RDM warning assuming logs show atleast 1 damage was done to the victim and it was not for a valid RP scenario. Adjusting the warn based off PWs but starting with Written Warning for first offence. List all default Laws of The Land: Raiding and stealing is illegal. Entities detected by the contraband scanner are illegal. Harming players is illegal unless you are defending bases. Shooting dangerous weapons in public is illegal. Laws can be enforced with KOS if the player is wanted. Laws can be enforced with KOS if a players life is in danger. Non-default Laws must be things that players choose to do. Laws that are seen as baiting kills or arrests are disallowed. The Mayor can choose to make dangerous weapons legal or illegal. How many bases can you own per party?: 1 Base Per Party! A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Gag, Mute, and Freezing would be used depending on severity. Taking charge of the sit in vital in this situation and in rare cases they can be warned for refusing to listen. Keeping the player from shooting, screaming, and spamming slurs would be my main priority if they are to that point, if they were not showing any signs of RPing on the serve I would issue NITRP aswell. Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Yes, NITRP would be used in this case. Mingey and Trolling behavior is to be corrected if possible. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: Purposefully using God in RP to get an edge up on players and win raids, I would note this in logs and clips and send it to higher ups right away. We have to be fair and not power hungry as staff or it creates a very poor environment for everyone. A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?:Bring them asap and freeze them, if unsure I would bring atleast 3 victims to confirm they were RDM'd by the player and confirm that in logs. Then I would issue the ban depending on PWs (first being 3 days) and put the warn in. Next would be assisting the victims with lost weapons. A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: If mayor has not offered an explanation or its gone past 10 minutes I would ask them why the lockdown is up or to end it. If they refuse after this then I can do the not so fun fun demotion and filing a warning for Job Abuse. Mayor must state the reason for the lockdown and give a 10 second start for players to get inside. Extra Comments: Hey I did the thing, thank you for the fun times as staff before and the fun times currently as a player. you guys are all family to me and I love and care for each of you! Jouaram tricked me into coming back with my model and my cousin being on the staff team has really gave me more motivation for returning. Either way ill still be here, being a Raven. caw caw.
    6 points
  33. A picture of me and @GoldFishlast year 💝, and a new one I made this year!
    6 points
  34. In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): [DAVID MASON] Age: [15] Steam ID: [STEAM_0:1:555554672] Discord Tag: [david mason#7907] Total Playtime: [>Your total time is 2mo 6d 27m.💀] Timezone: [PST] Steam Profile: [STEAM PROFILE] Highest Rank You've Obtained: [Veteran-Moderator] Link your previous personal Trello Card: [trello] Re-Rank Questions When Staffing did you cause any issues that were brought up to you by another Staff member? If so, what?: a couple by jouaram all of which were trolling tango and pooshi and one was sneezing into my mic in vc with Mr. goldfish How long can you guarantee you'll keep consistent activity for?: forever Are you currently happy with your activity on the server and Forums as a player?: yes Do you believe you deserve to hold the rank you're going back to and the responsibility's that come with it?: i guess How many hours can you play per week on average at this current time?: around 50 maybe more maybe less Have you read the most up to date rules and Staff Handbook?: yes unless things changed within 11 days Extra Comments: I left not too long ago because I was bored of gmod and aether, but I never stopped playing and realized why I liked it; it was because of the people and the community. I liked helping people with problems, even though my sit counts weren't high. I helped without sits with a lot of base questions from players and some tmods and really miss it. I regret leaving, especially when Jouaram asked me twice to make sure it was what I wanted. I hope to be able to rejoin, even though it was not long ago that I left.
    6 points
  35. like a 7 man raid..... king why didnt you join the party
    6 points
  36. I am resigning as there are somethings/ people I don't agree with in the staff team, I love the server Its just today things went to far with someone and makes me not want to play on the server with this toxicity and tension, I will play on the server every now and again Just wont be Brit 2.0 anymore that spot has been given to sauger 🙂 Good Bye my Friends ( Novva ily ,Iguro ily , fishie ily , deni ily , Janet ily ,antronzii ily , bryan ily , Goose Im Required To Love you, Last but not least Sempai Dreadnaught ILY
    6 points
  37. These are some stats on what you should probably want to know about which jobs make the most money. As well as personal opinion of which jobs take the most effort. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meth Addict 2x Meth Makers = 2,000$ Price Per Refill = 2,500$ Total Wait Time = 9m 30s Total Sale Price = 150,000$ Sales Per Hour = 900,000$ With Boost = 1,800,000$ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weed Grower (OLD) 8x Pots = 4,000$ Price Per Refill = 1,000$ Total Wait Time = 11 23s Total Sale Price 185,000$ Sales Per Hour = ~950,000$ With Boost = ~1,900,000$ ----------------------------- Weed Grower Total Wait Time = 10m 00s Total Sale Price = 100,000$ Sales Per Hour = 600,000$ With Boost = ~1,200,000$ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cigarette Smuggler 2x Roller Machines = 15,000$ (w/ upgrades) Price Per Refill = 2700$ Total Wait Time = 10m 30s Total Sale Price = ~210,300$ Sales Per Hour = ~1,261,800$ With Boost = ~2,523,600$ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City Worker (w/grapple) Test X1 Time Took = 10m 24s Earnings = ~200,000$ Earnings Per Hour = ~1,100,000$ With Boost = ~2,200,000$ Test X2 Time Took = 10m 00s Earnings = ~549,310$ Earnings Per Hour = ~3,295,860$ With Boost = ALREADY ACTIVATED Test X3 Time Took = 10m 01s Earnings = ~530,910$ Earnings Per Hour = ~3,185,460$ With Boost = ALREADY ACTIVATED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hobo (w/grapple) Test X1 Time Took = 10m 05s Earnings = ~530,000$ Earnings Per Hour = ~3,180,000$ With Boost = ~6,360,000$ Test X2 Time Took = 9m 56s Earnings = ~660,000$ Earnings Per Hour = ~3,960,000$ With Boost = ~7,920,000$ Test X3 Time Took = 10m 05s Earnings = ~667,500$ Earnings Per Hour = ~4,005,000$ With Boost = ~8,010,000$ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Dealer (Shrooms) Time Took = 9m 44s Earnings = ~40,500$ Earnings Per Hour = ~243,000$ Boost? Doesn't Exist. Check out my suggestion V --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitcoin Farmer (OLD) Cost Of Everything = 44,200$ Price Per Refill = 100$ Total Wait Time = 10m 00s Total Sale Price = ~58,276.74$ Sales Per Hour = ~349,660.44$ With Boost = ~699,320.88$ Bitcoin Farmer Cost Of Everything = 44,200$ Price Per Refill = 100$ Total Wait Time = 5m 00s Total Sale Price = ~300,000$ Sales Per Hour = ~3,600,000$ With Boost = ~7,200,000$ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Green = No Effort Yellow = Some Effort Red = Effort
    6 points
  38. Should I create list similar to this one but without item counts for other rarities? i.e. Secret, Seasonal, Contraband, Luxury, Relic, etc. If get 5 like i do.
    5 points
  39. I should win because i should not lose
    5 points
  40. AetherNetwork.gg Summer Giveaway! To enter, state why you think you should win and/or post your favorite summer-themed picture from the server! (If you include a picture it may be added to the loading screen!) Any posts that are not an entry will be removed! 3 Winners will be chosen 14th August 2023! All Winners Receive: -A Custom Discord Rank (You choose the name and color). -$100,000,000 in-game cash. -Premium OR 120,000 Aether Bucks.
    5 points
  41. I believe my rarest item would be all of the friendships I have made within the Aether community.
    5 points
  42. I really think you have made good on pretty much everything you said you would change. You mentioned that you were going to get your activity back up to where it was previously was which I have seen as well as trackable on gamestracker that you have been incredibly active in the server. I also have not seen you been remotely toxic or anything that would indicate that behavior, I also have seen you go out of your way to help other players and for that I am willing to change my vote +1
    5 points
  43. luv u I will be watching you 👀
    5 points
  44. It's been real but after recent events and the way victus went about using his position on the staff team. I no longer find purpose in staffing in the server while other higher ups do the same thing that got my friends in trouble. I've been active on the platform in at least some sort of way every day but apparently that wasn't enough to get me vet mod and got my application delayed. I've made friends along the way that I plan to keep in contact with and I love the community but I cannot pursue this position if this is how I am treated for free labor by someone who not so long ago got their power as admin+. I wish the best for this server and hope that some renovations happen to the staff list because as of now, it's pretty much a para-military organization for no reason whatsoever and I come on this server to have fun and keep the community playing just to be treated this way over something that I wasn't even involved in. Giving a -1 requires more than a "todays situation can explain that" for something I didn't even take part in and you're only involving me in it because I talk to the people who were involved in it, that is abusive and dreadful and a terrible example of a staff member. Just because you are a high up staff member doesn't mean you know everything and cant be open to any kind of new input about anything. Another poor impression of a higher up is holding something over someone over a misinterpretation of a situation that was explained to you several times. You want to be a robot and emotionless about it, then so be it. I'm sorry its come to this guys but I'll have to make my leave. Yousetoffmytrap ily, Goldfishie fuck you and ily, Janet ily, Dreadnaught ily, Xrel ily, Novva ily, Beth i kinda ly, Jigsaw ily, Iguro ily, Bryan ily, and Sauger ily https://imgur.com/U37vMIj
    5 points
  45. Santa with elves asking people what they want for Christmas Right across the street from them:
    5 points
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